• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Realistic suggestions!

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Please whatever happens, do not use mumble for voice communication. I do not use my mic in game but prefer it when people can talk using microphones, and Mumble does not actually work for me, I have no idea why but I find Mumble horribly annoying and I would much prefer something connected to the game itself.


This is an important factor in Traction Wars. Mumble, on the other hand, would be an option, but in another sense, we might need something else for a change if no one else approves of it.

What we need is, to have a system connected to the game itself..."

Sometimes when you come home from work or a trip, you really do not feel like talking much (having a mic is a "luxury" for some people too). Which in another case we need to balance this out a bit also, like team or squad chat for example.

I have said this before, but TW needs to make a system where we can turn public chat on and off easily, because it does get annoying or distracting once you see a huge blocks of text right in front of you! I really like War Thunder's main display in a way, I hope TW adds some type of "login" where you see your profile and "friends".
Most importantly, I would like to add, to make some type of "encyclopedia" of Traction Wars where you can view the available maps or weapons and vehicles for each team (which might take a while to do that :p).
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New Member
First of all, I didn't find out about this amazing project until today, and I'm really excited about a lot of things; the final product as well as this webpage and how you're connected to the community! As FH2 is the only FPS that feels immersive enough for my taste, I look forward to some variation and new ways to go about a game like this!

After reading through the pages on this topic, I'd like to bring up a very basic thing regarding what respawning represents,
that is especially important when it comes to how spawns and medics work in game. It might not be realistic that you die and respawn 30 times during a fight, but what one has to remember is that you're not the same fictional soldier that pops up again. If there is 100 online players in a game, they actually represent a battle of maybe 1000 soldiers. (The immersion of this is somewhat lost in games where you get to specialize your own character, where it feels more like one player=one soldier)

With this in mind, I suggest that respawns are near the frontline. I don't find it realistic that soldiers keep on heading out for action from a home base in the middle of the fight, the whole division should have pushed out together. It might seem unrealistic if players can respawn near the action soon after they died, but you have to think about a newly spawned soldier as if he'd been at the frontline the whole time. Exactly how it should work is however hard to decide, but I'd like to see some system that keeps the teams together and not to far from the frontline. I could even think about making it possible to spawn on all your squadmates.

This is also important when it comes to medics; for me near lethal injuries shouldn't be healed by medics in game, as these soldiers wouldn't be able to fight again even if they survived. You can imagine that they have a possibility of making it out alive, but you should respawn as an other soldier that is at the frontline. One suggestion could be that a soldier doesn't have to die before you have to respawn, but just has to be critically wounded.

I hope this wasn't only obvious nonsense :D


Good post and an interesting read

I'm liking the answers we're getting from the Dev's seems we're all singing of the same hymn sheet :)

K. Steine

Omni, and/or Oculus Rift? Doesn't so much at to the 'realism' but more the immersion c:
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First of all, I didn't find out about this amazing project until today, and I'm really excited about a lot of things; the final product as well as this webpage and how you're connected to the community! As FH2 is the only FPS that feels immersive enough for my taste, I look forward to some variation and new ways to go about a game like this!

After reading through the pages on this topic, I'd like to bring up a very basic thing regarding what respawning represents,
that is especially important when it comes to how spawns and medics work in game. It might not be realistic that you die and respawn 30 times during a fight, but what one has to remember is that you're not the same fictional soldier that pops up again. If there is 100 online players in a game, they actually represent a battle of maybe 1000 soldiers. (The immersion of this is somewhat lost in games where you get to specialize your own character, where it feels more like one player=one soldier)

With this in mind, I suggest that respawns are near the frontline. I don't find it realistic that soldiers keep on heading out for action from a home base in the middle of the fight, the whole division should have pushed out together. It might seem unrealistic if players can respawn near the action soon after they died, but you have to think about a newly spawned soldier as if he'd been at the frontline the whole time. Exactly how it should work is however hard to decide, but I'd like to see some system that keeps the teams together and not to far from the frontline. I could even think about making it possible to spawn on all your squadmates.

This is also important when it comes to medics; for me near lethal injuries shouldn't be healed by medics in game, as these soldiers wouldn't be able to fight again even if they survived. You can imagine that they have a possibility of making it out alive, but you should respawn as an other soldier that is at the frontline. One suggestion could be that a soldier doesn't have to die before you have to respawn, but just has to be critically wounded.

I hope this wasn't only obvious nonsense :D

The problem with respawns near the front is that players will mindlessly charge into battle, getting themselves in suicidal situations because they know they can get right back into the action immediately. Those kinds of players already have lots of games to play, hence why FH2's fast pace pretty much killed it. Combat during WWII tended to be fairly slow and methodical. I am not saying make the game super realistic, but I think it would be in its best interest to actually give players a reason not to be stupid with their lives.


Vanguard Friend
How about limited respawns in squad? Don't know if you guys plan to implement historical numbers in a squad/fireteam, but if not it can be "simulated" by squads with limited respawns. For example if historically a fireteam had 12 members and in the game there is 6, there could be 6 additional "tickets" for the squad(leader) spawns, and after those are used, the squad would need to respawn on a flag/outpost or in the mainbase and regroup. Don't know if such mechanic would work though as it opens up the potential for abuse by switching squads etc.


As far as Germany, I would like to see assistant gunners for machine gunners. Also, I'd like to see barrel changes for overheating. So we'd have machine gun crews, so if you would like to dig deeper into realism you could have loaders, that feed the belt into the maschinengewehr. The loader would also carry an extra barrel if the gun overheats, and have two ammo cans of 7.92.57mm ammunition. They would focus around the gun operator, and follow his orders. And if we are to have lafette tripods for both the MG42 and MG34, the would help carry the gun into position along with the lafette tripod. The tripod can fold up and be placed on one's back, so another member of the crew may carry that.
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Well-known member
Here's the deal that I will oft repeat about MG loaders:

No one would ever play of them. Not only is there basically no way of linking the two into a nice animation, but it is ney-impossible to actually get someone to volunteer to do nothing all game but carry around ammo, with not more than a pistol to defend himself with. In the end, you, as a MG gunner, are representing a MG team. Unless you also want the lafette crews to only be serviceable with 5 people, or the AT guns to require gun layer, loader, ammo bearers, and commander to operate. All of which would, again, be impossible to accomplish in a gaming environment. We have to strike a balance between realism and FUN.

As for lafettes (not lafayette), they will be ingame of course, as a deployable weapon.


Here's the deal that I will oft repeat about MG loaders:

No one would ever play of them. Not only is there basically no way of linking the two into a nice animation, but it is ney-impossible to actually get someone to volunteer to do nothing all game but carry around ammo, with not more than a pistol to defend himself with. In the end, you, as a MG gunner, are representing a MG team. Unless you also want the lafette crews to only be serviceable with 5 people, or the AT guns to require gun layer, loader, ammo bearers, and commander to operate. All of which would, again, be impossible to accomplish in a gaming environment. We have to strike a balance between realism and FUN.

As for lafettes (not lafayette), they will be ingame of course, as a deployable weapon.
Thanks for the heads up.


4. Sequenced reloading - I don't know if this is possible but it would be realistic. Once I remove the clip for example from a Thompson, and i change weapons, the next time i change to Thompson the reload would continue from inserting the clip.
And don't forget about the bullet in the barrel! :D
Thompsons don't use clips, they use magazines.
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