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Realistic suggestions!

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I am happy to post these, i hope you can use something even if you have to balance, or change.

1. Rifle grenades (cup launcher) - Just like in Forgotten Hope 2 with various bombs.

2. Morphine - A soldier would have 1 bandage and 2-3 morphine shots, and the Medic class (if there will be) would have much more and more effective bandages and could resupply your morphine.

3. Bullet penetration - (I did not find anything about it) Not a CoD like, but realistic.

4. Sequenced reloading - I don't know if this is possible but it would be realistic. Once I remove the clip for example from a Thompson, and i change weapons, the next time i change to Thompson the reload would continue from inserting the clip.
And don't forget about the bullet in the barrel! :D

5. 3D voice chat - Like Troy mentioned would give huge amount of realism into the game, since in the real ww2 there was no Teamspeak. :D

6. Limited classes - I hope that you already have this. Just like in RnL and Red Orhestra 2.

7. Mortars - I have already seen this. I hope you will add them.

8. Crouch sprint

9. Shotgun - A special or map specific class, maybe a pickup kit. A realistic shotgun which is effective up to 40 meters not a usual 8-10 meter shotgun like in most games.

10. Ghilie suit - British snipers have already used them in ww2, i don't know more :)

11. Folding map - Just like Troy mentioned, and a minimap would totally ruin the realism feeling.

12. Markers - Colored smoke grenades, flare guns to mark positions, enemies.

13. Suppression - Make it serious, even extreme, like disabled sprint and no iron sight zoom/focus (If there will be)

14. Squad bonuses - A squad of 3 or more people would receive stamina, suppression resistance and more effective suppression bonuses.

15. Radioman - These classes could communicate with each other at any range. Of course with a radio.

16. Ammo and supplies on Jeeps and carriers.

17. Compass - Selectable compass instead of HUD.

18. Injuries - Like in Resistance and Liberation, for example if you are shot in the arm you will drop the gun or will have greater weapons sway, on leg shot slower running speed or disabled sprint. Injured soldiers should moan, or cry :D
Morphine would be useful to stop the moaning, improve walking speed or regain some accuracy for 5-10 minutes.

19. Destruction of nature - Battlefield Bad Company Vietnam for example, its sometimes useful to destroy hedges, small trees bushes so the enemy will have no cover.

20. Scope glint - Not so shiny like in BF3 but smaller. I don't know anything about this only I heard that some ww2 snipers did not use scope because of the glint.

21. Perks - Nothing like COD! You chose a perk for example longer sprint, you would have a 15% chance to get THAT perk on spawn and you could sprint 20% more. Another example that leather belt (I dont know its name, but here http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j114/humanplus/3a49345a.jpg is a picture) would have a 50% to get and would enable weapon switch while loading. Or a speed loader for the Webley. Maybe even team based perks that could help the squadmates around you.

22. A game mode with no HUD - This is a must have! :D

23. Ability to throw back grenades - This could be even a perk.

24. Blood effect - only on headshot as a reward so you will know if you hit him.

25. No kill messages.

26. Blind fire - Please try to add it, it would be awesome.

If you would like me to explain something just ask!


Well-known member
some excellent suggestions - can't comment on some but I'd have to agree (as a gamer) with 95% of the stuff here :D


I like them all :D a quick suggestion on the perks maybe instead of getting them at spawn you should get them when with your section and your section IC but this should be togable on/of for realism purposes. Plus blood people tend to under exaggerate with blood if you get shot with a 30 cal round then it would rip a very large whole and blood would literally splirt everywhere. Maybe not take it over the top but make the higher the powered weapon be able to increase blood loss amount. Which with a medical system it would take more bandages to heal a wounded person if they are bleeding an extreme amount.


27. Critical wound - Instead of instant deaths you would enter a "bleeding out, slow crawl" (even critical, could not even move) mode and teammates could take you to cover, and medics could patch you up. And instant deaths and fast bleed outs would occur on vital shots like head, heart, lung ,liver.


Well-known member
1) Already planned

2) Possibly but hard to say if it'll be ingame. Medics are a class under heated discussion, and would require heavy play testing to see if they would be useful (or even USED) at all.

3) Yes

4) Unsure if this is possible

5) Mumble!

6) Yes

7) Yes

8) "Crouch" in a game is really taking a knee. Ever try to spring when doing this?

9) Would only be ingame in a realistic manner, at areas where shotguns can be confirmed to have been in combat. The brits and Germans did not use shotguns as combat weapons, and the americans only used them sparingly in the ETO.

10) In future, perhaps.

11) Unsure if a folding map is even possible. Currently, we're working with minimap.

12) Yes

13) Yes. Good lord yes.

14) Squad bonuses are under discussion, but would not give superhuman effects. More like "rifleman near bren gun gives bren gunner a faster reload" type bonus.

15) Unsure if possible ingame

16) Yes

17) Unsure if possible

18) INjuries would be cool, but in WW2, most hits take you out of the fight for good. The reason heros are often soldiers who fought on despite multiple wounds is exactly that- they're heroes. In TW, you're portraying the average fighting man, who would drop and no longer be fighting after being hit.

19) I think this is possible ingame

20) Might be possible, unsure.

21) Perks would be a huge no no, especially if we want realism. You got issued what you got issues. Odd kit will be shown through pick ups and special spawns.

22) Possible.

23) Doubt this is possible ingame.

24) Blood effects will be realistic, not gamey. Most people, when hit by a rifle, just drop to the ground like dead weight, with little to no visible blood spray. If you're old enough, I'd say go on liveleak and look at combat footage from various wars. Someone hit by a bullet looks nothing like in movies and games.

25) Possible.

26) Unsure if possible ingame, but suppression will neatly make fire, when suppressed, about as good as blind fire.

27) Once again, how to implement medics (if at all) is still under review, and would need to undergo drastic game testing. Issues would be making it realistic, and making it a class people would play (average medic in WW2 carried only a pistol for self defense).


Well-known member
I'd be curious how you sprint when one knee is perpetually planted to the ground. Now I did have one person message me saying that "crouch spring" referred to sprinting whilst trying to bend down as low as possible. This will most likely just be the normal sprinting animation.


I think what they mean is, you can crouch walk in a sense. Which is slow and tactical then crouch jog in a sense. Basically running whilst keeping your head down.


Well-known member
As noted above, that style of running (just running whilst keeping low) would of course be ingame, as default sprint.


5. What do you mean by that? The mumble software?

11. I am sure you could figure this out, even if it will be just a "Two hands holding a map" model with the actual map as texture, or idk

2.-18. I am talking about arm, leg and other non-vital shots. And the morphine would be useful to numb the pain and for regaining accuracy or movement speed.

14. I think the more effective suppression is pretty realistic, i would surely **** myself with not 1 but 5 soldiers shooting at me.

4. This could worth a try

9. Please try to add it later as a pickup kit :)

I will post some ideas about the medic later, should i post them here or elsewhere?


The Medic

He could not revive the dead.
He could patch up critically wounded teammates.
He would have much more and more effective bandages than the others, he could resupply his teammates with bandages and morphine.
A team would have 1 medic per 10 players.
A medic could have a pistol, carabine or a rifle, I know they had no such weapons in real life.
Or the medic could somehow make reinforcements/tickets from wounded or dead teammates.
The point is, a simple soldier could treat wounds like an arm shot, leg shot, and a medic could treat more serious wounds (like a stomach shot) temporarily (and the soldier could also use morphine shots to keep himself alive for longer time)
And to make the medic more useful give the soldiers 1 bandage and 2-3 morphine shots.

And please tell me about your 3d voice chat or mumble or whatever it is. :D


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Duke said:
He could not revive the dead.


Duke said:
He could patch up critically wounded teammates.

Depending on the severity of the wound, it might be possible. However, it comes down to where you were shot I reckon, for balancing, realism and the concept of not ruining gameplay.

Duke said:
He would have much more and more effective bandages than the others, he could resupply his teammates with bandages and morphine.

Depending on the "supply" of such features as bandages, the idea could perhaps work. I'm not fan of giving players other than the Medics morphine though, as morphine could kill you as well if you don't know what to do - it will also take a portion of the Medic's job away from him, making him somewhat more obsolete.

Duke said:
A team would have 1 medic per 10 players.

That's fine. Typically in modern times, there would be one medic pr. squad but because of balancing we might need to revisit how many Medics we'd want in each platoon.

Duke said:
A medic could have a pistol, carabine or a rifle, I know they had no such weapons in real life.

You're quite right; Medics don't normally wear any kind of guns or anything alike, as long as they wear the Red Cross, a symbol of being non-combatant. In modern times, the Medic wouldn't necessarily wear the Red Cross (signing him as non-combatant and protected by the RoE) and thus wear armament, unlike what a Medic would do under WWII. I can't say for sure that the Medic won't be protected somehow with a gun or anything, but truth be told; they would most likely be unarmed but for the sake of gameplay that would be quite "boring" perhaps?

I for one would love to play Medic, regardless of being armed or not, if our idea behind the Medic-class comes through!

Duke said:
Or the medic could somehow make reinforcements/tickets from wounded or dead teammates.

It doesn't make sense to be honest; if you would be rewarded for going into a hostile area and walk about to get "tickets from dead friendlies", risking entire squads and focus gameplay into a Valley of Death (imagine an MG just sitting there waiting for the Medic to comeby with his squad); wouldn't that be a bit strange you think?

I'm more in favour of a Medic doing excactly his job - protecting people for dying and thus stop the ticket-count. It's as simple as that really.

Duke said:
The point is, a simple soldier could treat wounds like an arm shot, leg shot, and a medic could treat more serious wounds (like a stomach shot) temporarily (and the soldier could also use morphine shots to keep himself alive for longer time)

You're quite right regarding "simple injuries" like gun-wounds to the limbs being treatable by the soldier himself, but the case was quite different under WWII due to a number of factors really. Because of that, it's feasible to let the soldier himself to at least stay alive with minor injuries, but left unattended for some time could very likely kill him if anything. A stomach-wound to the lower abdomen or the thorax will most likely be fatal, due to both the caliber of the bullet; a 7.82mm (.308" Springfield for instance) would tear you a quite big hole in your back and kill you instantaniously, but again; it comes down to balancing and not ruining gameplay.

Duke said:
And to make the medic more useful give the soldiers 1 bandage and 2-3 morphine shots.

Bandages is fine, but morphine should be Medics-only.



Vanguard Friend
I believe medic should be a special kit with some special gameplay roles. Maybe have him give some kinds of buffs to nearby soldiers (morale?) and make him able to reclaim tickets from fallen soldiers... Also he should be the only one who can properly treat a wound, meaning, like Maniche said, a common soldier would be able to bandage himself but he would still be in pain and experience some kind of malus (less accuracy, fading vision, slower transition to ironsights etc.).

But all in all it seems like a lot of work, for little gain... Maybe leave it for some future patch and focus on the core gameplay first...


Well-known member
To correct you a bit Maniche, it's a myth that medics were unarmed. Under Geneva conventions during WW2, medics, be they wearing medical armbands or not, were fully allowed to carry "self defense" weapons and use them in self defense. Most medics carried pistols in all theaters, and allied medics in the pacific, and German/Russian medics on the ostfront, commonly carried rifles due to the lack of respect for the red cross. There were even cases of medics patching up enemy soldiers they had just shot in self defense.

In terms of TW, an ingame medic class, if it happens, would have a pistol.
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