First of all, I didn't find out about this amazing project until today, and I'm really excited about a lot of things; the final product as well as this webpage and how you're connected to the community! As FH2 is the only FPS that feels immersive enough for my taste, I look forward to some variation and new ways to go about a game like this!
After reading through the pages on this topic, I'd like to bring up a very basic thing regarding what respawning represents,
that is especially important when it comes to how spawns and medics work in game. It might not be realistic that you die and respawn 30 times during a fight, but what one has to remember is that you're not the same fictional soldier that pops up again. If there is 100 online players in a game, they actually represent a battle of maybe 1000 soldiers. (The immersion of this is somewhat lost in games where you get to specialize your own character, where it feels more like one player=one soldier)
With this in mind, I suggest that respawns are near the frontline. I don't find it realistic that soldiers keep on heading out for action from a home base in the middle of the fight, the whole division should have pushed out together. It might seem unrealistic if players can respawn near the action soon after they died, but you have to think about a newly spawned soldier as if he'd been at the frontline the whole time. Exactly how it should work is however hard to decide, but I'd like to see some system that keeps the teams together and not to far from the frontline. I could even think about making it possible to spawn on all your squadmates.
This is also important when it comes to medics; for me near lethal injuries shouldn't be healed by medics in game, as these soldiers wouldn't be able to fight again even if they survived. You can imagine that they have a possibility of making it out alive, but you should respawn as an other soldier that is at the frontline. One suggestion could be that a soldier doesn't have to die before you have to respawn, but just has to be critically wounded.
I hope this wasn't only obvious nonsense