I'm a big DCS and FSX fan 
Welcome to the Vanguard Community
These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and is now the principle home of the community.
The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.
but it's an... acquired taste [emoji14]
if anyone can convince valve that we are worthy developers we can get a development vive for free. That'd be cool to test, and we promise to only use it for good, and not evil.
It could be tooooo realistic, but i don't say i wouldn't like itYeah, it can be a little jarring when your eyes are looking in one direction and your feet are moving in another. I use it in Arma, but it's an... acquired taste![]()
Indeed!An update that has to do with the Germans. I mean, we don't even know what they look like!
1911A1s were used by the British airborne. What about having them in game? Or the Enfield No. 2 Mk. I? Seeing as the Germans'll have at least three pistols (P 08 Luger, P 38, and Ruby), having more than one for the Brits would be nice. And realistic for the airborne, at least for the 1911A1. The No. 2 Mk. I was the standard service pistol after all. Just a thought for post-release implementation.
Instead of the Ruby I think it would be more plausible for the Hi power to be a German weapon. Germany forced FN to manufacture the weapons for policing forces and the Wehrmacht as I understand it.
and what about he rapes himself up when shot like in RO2 and you not stop bleeding to you do so. The soldier could talk to one another and tease the German like in RO2 all so.
You mean wraps himself... anyway, IMHO, no. I really want to see medics in TW (really want is an understatement), but bandaging oneself renders them kind of useless. Instead, don't have self-bandaging but have medics. There are lots of cool ways wounding can be taken further. For example, when wounded, say every few minutes your vision goes hazy for a moment, and your character grunts in pain. A medic can give you a shot of morphine, and this won't occur. If a wound is severe enough, you should collapse; teammates should be able to carry you if this happens. There are loads of neat ways to implement wounding.
dam silent lettersYou mean wraps himself... anyway, IMHO, no. I really want to see medics in TW (really want is an understatement), but bandaging oneself renders them kind of useless. Instead, don't have self-bandaging but have medics. There are lots of cool ways wounding can be taken further. For example, when wounded, say every few minutes your vision goes hazy for a moment, and your character grunts in pain. A medic can give you a shot of morphine, and this won't occur. If a wound is severe enough, you should collapse; teammates should be able to carry you if this happens. There are loads of neat ways to implement wounding.