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Realistic suggestions!

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
TrackIR is an interesting idea but as @SpaceCroissant says it's not a priority if we did decide to go down that route. I can see it working fantastically well in a cockpit where the camera position is completely fixed but in a ground combat game unless you went for a full free-aim system (which 99% of players would hate) I don't see how it would work apart from minor camera movements - perhaps that's the idea though?
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Well-known member
Yeah, it can be a little jarring when your eyes are looking in one direction and your feet are moving in another. I use it in Arma, but it's an... acquired taste :p
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Yeah, it can be a little jarring when your eyes are looking in one direction and your feet are moving in another. I use it in Arma, but it's an... acquired taste :p
It could be tooooo realistic, but i don't say i wouldn't like it :)

PS. You know what is amazing? That Easter is comming and TW team will show us something related to the game! Right? ;)
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Me, I use freelook in Arma all the time. Being able to move your head independant of your weapon is, in every way, a useful feature. TrackIR makes this easy. If full tank interiors and/or planes are ever implemented, TrackIR would be very handy indeed.

A game update on Easter would make my day. An update that has to do with the Germans. I mean, we don't even know what they look like!
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1911A1s were used by the British airborne. What about having them in game? Or the Enfield No. 2 Mk. I? Seeing as the Germans'll have at least three pistols (P 08 Luger, P 38, and Ruby), having more than one for the Brits would be nice. And realistic for the airborne, at least for the 1911A1. The No. 2 Mk. I was the standard service pistol after all. Just a thought for post-release implementation.
1911A1s were used by the British airborne. What about having them in game? Or the Enfield No. 2 Mk. I? Seeing as the Germans'll have at least three pistols (P 08 Luger, P 38, and Ruby), having more than one for the Brits would be nice. And realistic for the airborne, at least for the 1911A1. The No. 2 Mk. I was the standard service pistol after all. Just a thought for post-release implementation.

Instead of the Ruby I think it would be more plausible for the Hi power to be a German weapon. Germany forced FN to manufacture the weapons for policing forces and the Wehrmacht as I understand it.


Instead of the Ruby I think it would be more plausible for the Hi power to be a German weapon. Germany forced FN to manufacture the weapons for policing forces and the Wehrmacht as I understand it.

Well the Ruby makes sense, as large quantities of the weapon were captured following the French surrender. As with the Hi-Power, the Germans were fond of the Ruby and continued its production. Still, the Hi-Power could be a neat addition; mind you, it was primarily issued to Fallschirmjäger and Waffen-SS, so perhaps implement it as a pistol available to Fallschirmjäger, if and when they are implemented themselves (presumably along with the US sector of Normandy).


White phosphorus in smoke grenades is toxic... it could be neat to have your character cough or something when exposed to smoke for, say, half a minute.
and what about he rapes himself up when shot like in RO2 and you not stop bleeding to you do so. The soldier could talk to one another and tease the German like in RO2 all so.


and what about he rapes himself up when shot like in RO2 and you not stop bleeding to you do so. The soldier could talk to one another and tease the German like in RO2 all so.

You mean wraps himself... anyway, IMHO, no. I really want to see medics in TW (really want is an understatement), but bandaging oneself renders them kind of useless. Instead, don't have self-bandaging but have medics. There are lots of cool ways wounding can be taken further. For example, when wounded, say every few minutes your vision goes hazy for a moment, and your character grunts in pain. A medic can give you a shot of morphine, and this won't occur. If a wound is severe enough, you should collapse; teammates should be able to carry you if this happens. There are loads of neat ways to implement wounding.


You mean wraps himself... anyway, IMHO, no. I really want to see medics in TW (really want is an understatement), but bandaging oneself renders them kind of useless. Instead, don't have self-bandaging but have medics. There are lots of cool ways wounding can be taken further. For example, when wounded, say every few minutes your vision goes hazy for a moment, and your character grunts in pain. A medic can give you a shot of morphine, and this won't occur. If a wound is severe enough, you should collapse; teammates should be able to carry you if this happens. There are loads of neat ways to implement wounding.

He clearly meant rape!!! The player should be able to bandage himself! But the medic should of course be able to fully cure and revive the injured soldier. It would be cool if the bullet could affect the part of the body that it hit. So if he got shot in the hand, the hand would be sort of useless. But this would be hard to make due to a lot of modelling and coding and ****...

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Without self-bandaging I think you'd see a lot more fatalities from otherwise treatable wounds. There is a balance to be found though between buying enough time to find a medic and giving players so much time that they just fight on to the death.


Yeah, good point. How about you have one bandage, but it just lowers your bleeding, and only bandages applied by a medic and fully stop it? This maintains medics' usefulness, while not making you immediately dependant on them when wounded.
You mean wraps himself... anyway, IMHO, no. I really want to see medics in TW (really want is an understatement), but bandaging oneself renders them kind of useless. Instead, don't have self-bandaging but have medics. There are lots of cool ways wounding can be taken further. For example, when wounded, say every few minutes your vision goes hazy for a moment, and your character grunts in pain. A medic can give you a shot of morphine, and this won't occur. If a wound is severe enough, you should collapse; teammates should be able to carry you if this happens. There are loads of neat ways to implement wounding.
dam silent letters
in RO2 they had a figure that show where you were hit and a bar if that when down to far you would die from blood loss I think that how it worked


Can we have like 2 keys on the keyboard so if we are behind a wall, we can lean/tilt our head to the side (either left or right), so we don't expose our whole body or shoot covering fire?
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