• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Roughbeak

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    I'm not so sure...
  2. Roughbeak

    Getting on trees and digging holes and fortifications

    Miller786, William, and Eschmann Sorry for not getting back to this topic sooner, but this can be implemented for sure in the Engine. See video below (0:40). Also, this is a video displaying my upcoming map.
  3. Roughbeak

    Point of View - great source of handweapons for modeling

    I found this website "point of view", which is great if you want to model iron sights or the back view of your gun. Cheers http://candrsenal.com/pov-gallery/
  4. Roughbeak

    Forgotten Hope 2 new version coming!

    New trailer for 2.46, see you soon on the beaches. :)
  5. Roughbeak

    Forgotten Hope 2 new version coming!

    More stuff! :) Forgotten Hope - News Notable screens in the upcoming 2.46: New Mp34 http://forgottenhope.warumdarum.de/screenshotsfh2/news/2.46_rel/MP_34.jpg Its animation (by Chad509): G41(Walther) http://forgottenhope.warumdarum.de/screenshotsfh2/news/2.46_rel/screen_3.jpg Its animation...
  6. Roughbeak

    Forgotten Hope 2 new version coming!

    This is exciting news for Forgotten Hope 2 fans of a new version 2.46. A special "D-Day" theme is set: Gold and Omaha Beach. This 2.46 release will include many new features, new weapons, vehicles, and bug fixes. If you have BF2 it is a must to download it, don't forget to patch BF2 2 times...
  7. Roughbeak

    Battlefield / Forgotten Hope communities searching for a new game

    A dead cow comes to life! Cow Simulator: mod for Traction Wars :D http://www.twmod.org/images/media/2012.03-1/2012.03-1-05.jpg
  8. Roughbeak

    Battlefield / Forgotten Hope communities searching for a new game

    A Forgotten Hope 2 dev "spitfire" IIRC is working on a solution, do not know what it is though. :) Seriously, TW team there should be something to show! A new building or something? :D It doesn't always have to be a big update. Small updates keep things going.
  9. Roughbeak

    My grandfather passed away

    Last night, I just received news that my grandfather passed away, after being rushed to the hospital from the nursing home. Originally he had a heart attack and had to be kept alive artificially six years (six years!) in the nearest nursing home. He was a WW2 veteran, he was most remembered...
  10. Roughbeak

    Custom Terrain Texture Creation for CryENGINE

    Re: Custom Terrain Texture Creation | Blog by Roughbeak Here is the video of the texture! Enjoy. :)
  11. Roughbeak

    What games are you playing?

    Somehow I randomly thought of these games. I had great memories from my childhood with them, I still love playing them! Supersonic RC Game - BrickExtra Bank Robber - A free Puzzle Game
  12. Roughbeak

    Custom Terrain Texture Creation for CryENGINE

    Re: Custom Terrain Texture Creation | Blog by Roughbeak Ok sorry, maybe I did make the blog too hard for people. For Bump/Normal maps, you need Photoshop and Crazybump (or Nvdia Plugin). Then export them to CryENGINE in Photoshop with CryTifPlugin from Crydev. These are the ones that I used...
  13. Roughbeak

    Custom Terrain Texture Creation for CryENGINE

    Hello everyone! I thought I would share some details of the process involving texturing, including how to activate Parallax Occlusion Mapping. I apologize if it is too lengthy to read, but for beginners in CryENGINE, it might be a helpful aid. If you have any specific questions about texturing...
  14. Roughbeak

    What games are you playing?

    FH2 has invincible bicycles. :D
  15. Roughbeak

    What games are you playing?

    Yes it is great, isn't it? :D
  16. Roughbeak

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Some people say that goats have more logic than humans...
  17. Roughbeak

    Iron Europe

    Hmm, it sounds interesting. :)
  18. Roughbeak

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    Yes, thanks. I would have used 2012 version instead of '14, but this is where the hilarity starts. I tried to download the 2012 version, but the file was so large my internet kept failing me or said "unknown network error". I tried the 2013 version, but in the .exe, it just stopped or said...
  19. Roughbeak

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    Ok. :) I was saying that in the 2014 version (my version), they changed the "lock zoom pan" a bit. Here I am trying to model a dagger with a help of a tutorial, but in that same tutorial, he uses the 2012 version. I tried to go to "viewport background" settings, but the "lock zoom/pan" is not...
  20. Roughbeak

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    Well, fortunately 3ds Max offers a 36 month student version, you have to create an account though. 3ds Max Free Download | Free Student Version for Academics Speaking of 3ds Max, @Sir Apple (no offence to the modelers ;)) I do not know what version of Max are you using, but how in the world...