• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Roughbeak

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpag e&v=O38a_Bx18RU#t=22 Nah.... ....Yes, yes! :D
  2. Roughbeak

    What games are you playing?

    Mostly into FH2 and Battlegroup Frontlines 1.5 (WW2). This mod is one of the best, up there with FH2, if it had more countries and theaters.. well... :) It only has Russians vs Germans. Animations are quite good and battle effects are excellent.
  3. Roughbeak

    Favourite Soundtrack

    Just one of the better ones in the same film
  4. Roughbeak

    First Attempt at Modelling

    As the title says my first attempt at modelling - a snowman. :) The arms do look hideous though, buttons in the middle somehow look strange also. :p
  5. Roughbeak

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    It may just be me, but owls are hilarious. :D I do not know how those "thumbnails" got there. :p
  6. Roughbeak

    Favourite Soundtrack

    Always have admired this one.
  7. Roughbeak

    The Tunnel (WIP Map)

    Hey and yet again it is time for another map to showcase. :) Still it has some work to be done on it to make it more polished. Yes I know those rocks looks a little to repetitive. ;)
  8. Roughbeak

    News Update #39: Thompson Weapon Preview

    I'm positive I have seen Hanni before! :D (although I probably should use permission to post these ;))
  9. Roughbeak

    News Update #39: Thompson Weapon Preview

    Ok who are these guys? :D I am pretty sure the guy in the middle is Cal. ;)
  10. Roughbeak

    Verdun - WW1 FPS Game

    Sorry buddy I just cannot do that. ;) They will get back to you quick, promise! :) Better yet, when you get more points you can unlock certain weapons. :D There is another feature in this game called the "assist and climb", which as it says> you push up your teammate over a wall and he pulls...
  11. Roughbeak

    Verdun - WW1 FPS Game

    Yeah, Bah ditch this game. Try out Warface! :) The name yes, is a bit out of the ordinary, but it is a modern style FPS game on the CryENGINE 3! You have to apply for closed beta though (which is the current state), you might be surprised how fun it is. :D Ah yes here is my video of the...
  12. Roughbeak

    Forest View (WIP Map)

    Hey and it's time for another map render - Forest View. :) The grass is basically the only thing that is slowing me down at the moment. :p
  13. Roughbeak

    Project Reality Moving to the CryENGINE 3!

    It's amazing though really (especially PR going to the better engine), what would we do without the CryENGINE 3. xD I hate to downgrade, but TW just seems "better quality level" than Festung Europa. :D *Btw... That Makarov is probably the best model I have seen! :)
  14. Roughbeak

    Project Reality Moving to the CryENGINE 3!

    I just found this! Project Reality is moving to the CryENGINE 3, which will be named to "Project Reality 2". :) Plans are to make it a standalone and free to play. Most Q&A: "When will the internal testing begin"? ---> Only a few months away "Is it going to be free"? ---> Absolutely and a...
  15. Roughbeak

    What games are you playing?

    Mostly playing Warface, modern style game, which is on the CryENGINE 3. I would highly recommend this game, try it out! :) It is both fun and realistic.
  16. Roughbeak

    Verdun - WW1 FPS Game

    I just found this fantastically fun game called "Verdun", it is set in World War I time. It might not have the best realism factors, but the times I have played it, it's so addicting! :) I think it is standalone and free to play multiplayer game. Don't worry, there are lots of players playing...
  17. Roughbeak

    The Hillside (WIP map)

    It's time for another map, and this time it is a real life comparison! :) I still got more work to do on it: the hill, vegetation, and terrain. Main reason now: I wanted your opinions. ;) Keep in mind the reason I did not put any grass to the right or placed where it is not needed (caused lot...
  18. Roughbeak

    Faces of the TW Community!

    The title says it all, really. We need pictures bad, to spice things up a bit (real ones too). :D I'll post mine as soon as a dig through my folder.
  19. Roughbeak

    The Countryside (WIP map)

    I got another map for you. :) This one is still a heavy WIP map, but it is going well. I believe I have shown this one before but now it's official. ;) This is my making of a "france farm", it's a bit weak though, thoughts? Thoughts, opinions? :)
  20. Roughbeak

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Penguins! :)