• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Roughbeak

    New FH2 Update!

    Don't mind the hat, it doesn't appear that way ingame. Only a separate render. For the Puuko knife sheath, we'll look into that.. :)
  2. Roughbeak

    New FH2 Update!

    2.5 Release day tomorrow! Forgotten Hope - News
  3. Roughbeak

    New FH2 Update!

    Soon. :) Forgotten Hope - News The maps of Forgotten Hope 2.5
  4. Roughbeak

    Battalion 1944

    Funny I was thinking the same thing. ;)
  5. Roughbeak

    New FH2 Update!

    For those who didn't get a chance to see the stream: :)
  6. Roughbeak

    New FH2 Update!

    We never compete. ;) Thanks for joining by the way!
  7. Roughbeak

    New FH2 Update!

    As a friendly reminder, the stream with Fatjoe and Ts4EVER will go live at Sunday 8th November 2015 @ 19:00 UTC. Please join in! :) Forgotten Hope - News
  8. Roughbeak

    New FH2 Update!

    I tried to send you a PM, but your inbox is full.
  9. Roughbeak

    New FH2 Update!

    As a disclaimer, that community mappack mostly was not made by us/official devs. ;) However, that should be spicy for you guys, enjoy! :)
  10. Roughbeak

    "Returning to WWII" (game discussion)

    I don't know about you, but derailing trains in China sounds fun! :D
  11. Roughbeak

    "Returning to WWII" (game discussion)

    I came across this very interesting video: (video found at FH.forums)
  12. Roughbeak

    Do you like Forgotten Hope 2?

    That's good to hear, Naga! :)
  13. Roughbeak

    Do you like Forgotten Hope 2?

    Hey thanks for the nice comments, I can assure you - we got some awesome stuff cooking in the background of FH2. It will only get better! :)
  14. Roughbeak

    Do you like Forgotten Hope 2?

    FH2 is the official modification of Battlefield 2; Forgotten Honor, is a separate campaign thingy for it. :)
  15. Roughbeak

    Do you like Forgotten Hope 2?

    Like FlyingR said, there are Forgotten Honor campaigns for FH2 which have great teamwork. So don't trust public servers for teamplay. ;) I mean it's not like FH2 is dead on the servers, we usually get a full 100 players on the weekend. "Forgotten Hope 2 a fail"? Absolutely not. I have seen so...
  16. Roughbeak

    Any other WW II games?

    Thanks for sharing that, good find! :)
  17. Roughbeak

    Any other WW II games?

    PR and FH2 are probably the best modifications I have ever played, but you have to realize is this, they are totally two different games trying to do two different things. To keep it short, one is set in modern times and one game is in WW2. I really love both mods, but PR really does nag on you...
  18. Roughbeak

    Any other WW II games?

    Of course we want to make FH2 standalone, but certainly you don't want to get sued by EA. We play the waiting game. :)
  19. Roughbeak

    Any other WW II games?

    Try Forgotten Hope 2! :)
  20. Roughbeak

    Faces of the TW Community!

    It's hard to find recent pics of me, let's give this a shot. :D