• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. General Naga

    Update on Updates

    As you have probably noticed over the last few weeks, we’ve been a bit quiet on the update front. The great news is that this is because the team have been preoccupied by working hard on the game and making progress. Moving forward, we’re going to change our update schedule such that we only...
  2. General Naga

    Most anticipated game

    For me it has to be Mass Effect: Andromeda. I've been waiting for that game for years.
  3. General Naga

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    Oh I like this :) Personally this is one of my favourite OSTs. I wish I could find an album of Hollywood in Vienna.
  4. General Naga

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    Skyrim - The Dragonborn Comes - Swedish Radio Symphony It's not often you see game soundtracks played by a full orchestra.
  5. General Naga

    The Night Before Christmas Eve

    With Christmas almost upon us once again it's that time of year rich in traditions; decorating the Christmas tree, eating too much food, wrapping presents and Christmas videos... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_4sEfOh4G0 From everyone at Traction Wars we wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
  6. General Naga

    Gaijin (war Thunder team) teasing something?

    Probably a new game as you say - guess it could have cross play but maybe they want to push out beyond the WT franchise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. General Naga

    Gaijin (war Thunder team) teasing something?

    Not sure but it wouldn't be the first time WT had moved hardware between fronts/dates Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. General Naga

    Gaijin (war Thunder team) teasing something?

    I noticed it as well but I have no idea what it might be. They've done planes, tanks and ships so may it is infantry next?
  9. General Naga

    GoldenEye: Source

    I do remember playing a very little amount of GoldenEye on someone else's N64 back in the day. Awesome that someone brought it back to life in Source :)
  10. General Naga

    Iron Armada with TW members!

    What on earth is that.. haha I must admit I've always loved the whole space pirate concept. Not sure I would enjoy it in 2D however..
  11. General Naga

    Community Questions #7

    For this week’s community questions we have focused on what you want to know about what’s going on behind the scenes at the moment. Have you moved over to CRYENGINE 5 yet? Almost.. The CRYENGINE 5 build of Traction Wars is now up to speed (apart from the last few texture updates) and stable so...
  12. General Naga

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    Always liked soundtracks - not bothered particularly by where they come from. @Aniallator what's the name of that piece? It's blocked in the UK on YouTube. How about this one for bringing back happy memories...
  13. General Naga

    Star Trek Thread

    Just realised that until now I've only been mildly interested in VR.... I need to play this! Just need to find me a crew ;)
  14. General Naga

    Star Trek Thread

  15. General Naga

    Dev Blog #29: DevCon (TankFest)

    Following the success of the team’s visit to TankFest last year, this past weekend eight members of the team returned for another slice of the action. The day started out in typical English fashion - with a heavy downpour of rain - but undeterred we put our best (soggy) foot forward and set out...
  16. General Naga

    E3 2016 Therad

    It's that time of year again. Any reactions so far to the announcements made? For me I've seen all I want to see from E3.. just this. I want to get my hands on it but probably better for all of us that Andromeda launch is a long way away 😀
  17. General Naga

    News Update #59: CRYENGINE V

    The past few weeks have been a busy time for the team. Our focus behind the scenes has been redirected onto something new and exciting… the latest and greatest iteration of the engine behind Traction Wars; CRYENGINE 5.0. CRYENGINE 5.0 was launched in March, since which we have been...
  18. General Naga

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Possibly the best example of the weird British sense of humour.
  19. General Naga

    Star Trek Thread

    On the off chance there are some trekkies lurking around the forum I thought I'd share this...
  20. General Naga

    Dawn of War III Announced

    It's back! Looks like the IP didn't die with relic. As someone who started modding in the 40K Universe I can't wait! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ZgyNoHtjw