• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. General Naga

    Steam Page Live!

    Introduction We’ve kicked off 2019 very much in the same way that we ended 2018. Lots of testing, working on balancing and tweaks to the gamemode. Here we provide a quick update on some of the key areas of development while we continue to push towards the Early Access release. Testing Our...
  2. General Naga

    Beta Footage

    Introduction Before 2018 draws to an end we wanted to share some footage captured during recent testing and an update on some of what’s going on behind the scenes. Beta Testing Although the ongoing closed beta is targeted, it is providing vital feedback and balancing data. Keeping the testing...
  3. General Naga

    Beta testing

    Thanks for the offer of help. We have a small group of dedicated beta testers who are helping us out with beta testing at the moment. Right now that's all we need. We'll announce on Discord and/or the forum if we are looking for more testers. (copied here for anyone else asking).
  4. General Naga

    Continuing the advance

    Thank you for your understanding @Bootneck - as you can imagine this was the last thing we wanted to do. @roflcakes Thanks for the offer of help. We have a small group of dedicated beta testers who are helping us out with beta testing at the moment. Right now that's all we need. We'll announce...
  5. General Naga

    Continuing the advance

    It has been almost 2 months since our successful Kickstarter campaign came to a close, and in that time a lot has been happening behind the scenes. Release Date We have been hard at work since our last newsletter – continuing to push towards the release. After recent beta testing we have...
  6. General Naga

    You did it! - Kickstarter Funded

    Our backer exclusive newsletter will be starting shortly so watch out for it if you backed the game for updates as we head towards release later this year. For now though we will say a heartfelt THANK YOU from us all.
  7. General Naga

    Feature – Raid Intro Video

    As we head into the last 5 days of our Kickstarter Campaign we wanted to share a new video with you explaining how our unique Raid gamemode works and what you can expect from this first gamemode. We have also reviewed our stretch goals and made some adjustments for the final days. Our updated...
  8. General Naga

    10 Days to Go!

    We have 10 day to go, just over halfway through the campaign and we are over 60% of the way to our target. According to statistics 98% of projects succeed who get this far*.. and we have no intention of being part of the remaining 2%! Thank you to all our backers for your support. We are going...
  9. General Naga

    Feature Article - Raid Gamemode

    Creative process When we started making our plans for Vanguard and decided to move to an infantry only game, it was clear that we needed our game to have a unique identity. Not only to differentiate it from the other games but also to to make a more coherent package, where the maps, equipment...
  10. General Naga

    Kickstarter Roundup – Week 1

    We are just over a week into our Kickstarter campaign and just over 50% the way to our target with 14 days to go. Thank you to our community for their support and their help in spreading the word – it makes all the difference. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) We have been getting a lot of...
  11. General Naga

    Kickstarter Launch! - Onwards and Upwards...

    General Naga submitted a new blog post Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  12. General Naga

    Our journey so far

    From time to time our faithful community have asked us what is taking so long. And they are right we have been working on this game for a decade, although only in its current form since 2015. We’ve been asked on the forum, on Discord, on Facebook and Twitter both privately and in comments and...
  13. General Naga

    Back in Action

    Wow! What an overwhelmingly positive and understanding response we have had to our recent change of name and update. We cannot put into words how important it is for us to have your support. We would have given up years ago if it wasn’t for you, so from the whole of the Pathfinder Games team...
  14. General Naga

    Hello All !

    Welcome back @Zainab. Nice to see old faces returning. /Moved to Rec. Room
  15. General Naga

    What changed from TW to Vanguard?

    Good question(s)! We haven’t carried through all the assets from Traction Wars to Vanguard. Some were very old and technology and our techniques have improved to the point where we’ve been able to replace them fairly easily so everything is up to date and consistent. Pace is somewhat of a...
  16. General Naga

    Website Feedback

    At the moment we don’t have plans to bring them back although they were cool.
  17. General Naga

    Battleaxe's practical guide to... modelling

    / Re-opened at @th_battleaxe's request
  18. General Naga

    Website Feedback

    If you have comments or feedback about the new site and suggestions for improvements we'd love to hear from you. The new forum I hope you will agree is a huge improvement on the old one
  19. General Naga

    Turning Over a New Leaf

    We're on target for hitting Early Access Q4 this year after we complete the Kickstarter
  20. General Naga

    Announcement of Vanguard: Normandy 1944

    We have no plans for a public beta.