• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. General Naga

    Game Update – 0.5.1

    Today we have launched an update to Vanguard which fixes several issues from the first week. The highlights include: Custom key bindings Ability to switch teams Rebalanced raid when there’s 8 or less players on a server Idle players who are alive (not spectating) are now kicked in 60 seconds...
  2. General Naga

    Failed to Create Dump File 127 Problem.

    Sorry to hear you are having issues. Could you please send us your game.log file from the Vanguard root folder in steam so we can investigate what's happening?
  3. General Naga

    Kicked from server please help

    I had the same issue last night while playing with RabNL. We will track it down ASAP.
  4. General Naga

    Kicked from server please help

    Are you finding you are the only one kicked or does it happen to multiple people at once? If it happens again @RabNL please grab your game.log before rejoining and send it to us so we take a look and see why you disconnected. Thanks!
  5. General Naga

    Launch Weekend

    This past weekend saw the launch of Vanguard: Normandy 1944 onto Early Access. There were some close games, some tight rounds, and a lot of thoughtful discussions. We’ve really enjoyed watching people playing and discussing the game so far, and we are very pleased to have made it to this stage...
  6. General Naga

    TK server

    That's fine - just send me a PM. You can find out your system specs here Steam Community :: :: How to check computer specs
  7. General Naga

    Some feedback 5.4.2019

    Thanks for the feedback @Lt Jake Cutter. We are hunting one known server crash which we think we've nailed down this afternoon. We'll roll it out as soon as we are sure it's fixed and stable. Was it on any particular map that it crashed? That freezing issue sounds horrendous. Could have been...
  8. General Naga

    TK server

    I saw you the other night :) What are your system specs?
  9. General Naga

    TK server

    Good suggestion. There is a notification top left about every team kill but having something show up on the TKs screen so they know what they did would also help.
  10. General Naga

    TK server

    Team kills aren't that common but they still happen far too often. We are looking at tweaking the team icons to make it easier to identify team mates.
  11. General Naga

    Resolution 3840x1600 unavailable.

    Unfortunately we have to do it. We'll add that screen resolution in the first patch.
  12. General Naga

    Vanguard: Normandy 1944 Out Now on Steam Early Access

    Pathfinder Games are today pleased to announced that Vanguard: Normandy 1944 has been released on Steam Early Access! Following our successful Kickstarter campaign late in 2018, we have been hard at work play-testing and fine-tuning the game ready for this release. We are excited to see...
  13. General Naga

    how do i add my name to the backers list for the game?

    Hi @Matt1999 If you haven't already you need to fill out the backer survey - everyone who is eligible for a credit in the game was sent one. We have used the results of the backer survey to build the credit list. Anyone who returns the form late won't unfortunately be in the credits tomorrow...
  14. General Naga

    crossing obstacles

    The Steam Early Access launch is just the start! We will be continuing to work on the game after the launch onto Early Access and animations are a key area we want to improve generally.
  15. General Naga

    Livestream Video / 7 Days until Release!

    It's top of the list to be added! Honestly we just ran out of time to do it properly without risking a load of bugs. We have included a diagram of the current mappings although I realise that's barely a sticking plaster. We will add key mapping just as soon as we can.
  16. General Naga

    Livestream Video / 7 Days until Release!

    Last week we made another first in our development of Vanguard, by livestreaming one of our closed beta test sessions. There were of course a few bugs, but it allowed the community to see an uncut version of the game and how it will play when it launches into Early Access next week on April...
  17. General Naga

    Live Stream Incoming!

    @Xanderman watch this space :)
  18. General Naga

    Live Stream Incoming!

    Introduction First of all, we really appreciate your understanding of our decision to postpone the launch of Vanguard. The few additional weeks this grants us has proved very fruitful in fine-tuning and polishing the game, which will definitely pay off when we hit Early Access. It would not be...
  19. General Naga

    Windows 7 Sentenced to Death

    @SneakyPara but Vanguard doesn't run on Linux! :eek:
  20. General Naga

    The finishing touches

    Introduction The first two months of 2019 have had us regularly play testing and fine-tuning the game. This has included bug-fixing, gameplay improvements and increasing the usability. The game has already come a long way this year, with recent additions detailed below, but we’ll get straight to...