• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    So awesome... Must be a ***** to organise though :L I'm assuming everyone's already seen the Skyfall train but I'll post it here anyway :P
  2. calgoblin

    Favourite Soundtrack

    For those of you who don't watch Doctor Who, sham on you. Perhaps these two of Murray Gold's great original pieces may persuade you ;)
  3. calgoblin

    Guess The Game/Movie/TV-series!

    I'll have to watch for it in the next Steam sale. I was so tempted to do some obscure simulator game for this... But I have behaved :') It's a game, set for release this year. Exclusive to ONE console (which one? :o ) Very non-traditional gameplay, that some might find annoying.
  4. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    I don't think this was an actual April fools, but it so should have been...
  5. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    It's Doctor Who's 50th anniversary this year, so expect many fanboy ramblings from me :P And funny pictures. Such as this:
  6. calgoblin

    Favourite Soundtrack

    GRAEME NORGATE HELLS YES! <3 Love that you put my name in the same post as his ;) haha TimeSplitters was so wacky, especially the Disco map when this was always playing :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlT_8GbTQfo Also big love for Scotland the Brave.
  7. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Name the game :P
  8. calgoblin

    Favourite Soundtrack

    As this hasn't made it onto here yet, I'll post it. I'm disappointed in all of you :P
  9. calgoblin

    Half-Life Appreciation Thread (News/Rumours/Favourite Moments etc..)

    He NEVER does :L I think he slits reporters throats in his mind when they ask him over and over again.
  10. calgoblin

    Half-Life Appreciation Thread (News/Rumours/Favourite Moments etc..)

    I used it briefly, but didn't really have much use for it other than talking to Steam friends. *** Valve apparently grew 50% last year, soon they might top Apple! Also Jonathon Ross is a terrible host...
  11. calgoblin

    Favourite Soundtrack

    I'm going to listen to this next time I go to Tesco. I love the Call of Duty 3 soundtrack. This is probably my favourite game theme actually, especially when the main theme bursts in at 1:27
  12. calgoblin

    Half-Life Appreciation Thread (News/Rumours/Favourite Moments etc..)

    Saw that the other day. I think he's going to collect all his trophies and arrange them on a field so it spells out an announcement of Half Life 3 :p
  13. calgoblin

    The Room 101 Thread

    Room 101 is an unimaginably torturous room originating from a novel by George Orwell. I thought it'd be fun to do our own version, where you can argue what you'd put into Room 101 within a certain topic which is: Gaming. So what thing related to Gaming would you like to see locked away and...
  14. calgoblin

    Half-Life Appreciation Thread (News/Rumours/Favourite Moments etc..)

    My thoughts exactly. I think anything other than a Half Life related announcement would cause damage. I mean I've enjoyed everything they've released since Episode 2, but I think it's time to put what they've learnt back into what made them popular in the first place.
  15. calgoblin

    Half-Life Appreciation Thread (News/Rumours/Favourite Moments etc..)

    I've certain they are working on another Half Life and, knowing how Valve work, could also be working on Portal 3, TF3 and L4D3 at the same time. But I don't think we'll get an episode 3, that whole Valve-does-episodic-gaming thing failed pretty miserably. I'm sure they'll announce something...
  16. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Someone posted this on the latest WW2 Trivia on the Facebook group, thought it deserved a place here. RIP Wojtek
  17. calgoblin

    Crysis 3 demo (MP)

    Just got off playing the PS3 version, looks pretty similar to Crysis 2 but then it was on PS3 :P The Hunter mode was fun, I couldnt get into the other one mainly because I kept getting killed by invisible people. But in my defence i havent play crysis mp before because by the time Ive got round...
  18. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    I LOVED this show! I'd happily see it remade, provided there's mad people willing to cover their robot with fur.
  19. calgoblin

    An Acoustical Experiment Involving YOU

    I would like your help, fellow Traction Wars community members and developers, with a scientific musical experiment! Don't all jump up at once, there's plenty of space for all. First of all, this isn't a hearing test, it is merely a university experiment of perceptual audio masking. In order...
  20. calgoblin

    Favourite Soundtrack

    I loved this; totally made the film for me. And it's been stuck in my head since I saw it >.<