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Crysis 3 demo (MP)

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Sir Apple

Well-known member
Has anyone played this yet?

I got the multiplayer demo today and really enjoyed myself, it has some game modes that are very unique and fun. It feels a lot better then the previous games in the series.

Oh and its freaking gorgeous, the detail in the maps is awesome. I spend most of my time gazing off xD




Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
If my internet was fully operational, I'd give it a go right away; guess I'll have to wait...


How's the performance?



Pathfinder Games
Just got off playing the PS3 version, looks pretty similar to Crysis 2 but then it was on PS3 :p The Hunter mode was fun, I couldnt get into the other one mainly because I kept getting killed by invisible people. But in my defence i havent play crysis mp before because by the time Ive got round to buying it everyones left and moved on >.<
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