• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Re: Some light relief... Saw this at the Saatchi Gallery in London yesterday. It's a full-size tank made of wood. Not sure if it's based on any real model of tank, but it's quite impressive to stand next to.
  2. calgoblin

    Favourite Soundtrack

    I remember seeing him live once, this was the only song of his that anyone knew :L It is a good song though. I think the 1943 version of the BF theme is my favourite one. The Battlefield 3 one doesn't even come close, and should be in a pit of pit somewhere. And I remember hearing that Bad...
  3. calgoblin

    Favourite Soundtrack

    Was wondering when that John Murphy one would show up. It's a great piece, even though it's essentially the same chord pattern on repeat. But he does that well, and while we're on the subject of him, In The House is equally epic. And also the first non-orchestral piece on our list :p
  4. calgoblin

    Favourite Soundtrack

    New game! What's you favourite soundtrack? From a game, film, broccoli advert, whatever. To keep the thread readable, only post one track from the soundtrack, from Youtube or where ever. Together we can create a thread full of calming (or not) soundtrack pieces, that can give us a few moments...
  5. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Re: Some light relief...
  6. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Re: Some light relief...
  7. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Re: Some light relief... I don't know either, but the ridiculous facial expressions crack me up. But then they're what this guy does best!
  8. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Re: Some light relief...
  9. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Seth Macfarlane is great. I'm very jealous though :p My favourite comment from that video: "HOW CAN SIRI UNDERSTAND A DAMN FURBY BUT NOT ME? I SPEAK ENGLISH NOT NARNIAN!"
  10. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    It's probably bad that I know all the words to that clip. But yeah Family Guy is pretty epic xD
  11. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    American politics made simple :D
  12. calgoblin

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    I feel I am insulting myself somewhat, but true nonetheless.
  13. calgoblin

    Crysis 3

    As far as PC graphics go Crytek are second to none. Console versions not so much but then they're 7 years old now. And no one has ever made toads so realistically before, I feel I should be giving them all my money just to improve further in this field.
  14. calgoblin

    The Official Traction Wars Olympic Discussion Thread

    After waiting over a week for someone to make a thread about it, here is The Official Traction Wars Olympic Discussion Thread, sponsored by McDonalds.* I think we should have had a typically British Olympics. Just because you host something in a country doesn't mean you're embracing all of...
  15. calgoblin

    Top 5 Games

    Portal 2 over Portal? That's a first :P
  16. calgoblin

    Top 5 Games

    Must say. A lot of old games. I think when you're a child you experience everything more intens. Most stuff is really new for you. I think the first games you play stick in your mind the most. Like, I remember playing Far Cry on my dads PC and it being the first game I was actually taking a...
  17. calgoblin

    Top 5 Games

    That's dedication right there :P I'm sure my list will change upon TWs release. It is a fantastic game, and I've played it many times, just for me Portal was just perfect. Maybe Half Life 3 could top it xD Don't think I've ever played number 5, what's it about?
  18. calgoblin

    Top 5 Games

    I don't think this has been done before on here, in which case it has to be done. To counter my shameful self-plug, lets make lists of our top 5 games. Two reasons: 1) I like a nice list, and 2) I can't point and judge you on your choices! See, it's FUN! Anyway here's mine. It's probably...
  19. calgoblin

    I need YOU! For music research.

    So basically I've made this whole album thing which I've been pressured into posting about. But although this will come across as a blatant self-promotion (which I didn't want, but now I've said it it will. (Damnit me!)) I could really use your help. Trouble is I don't really know what to do...