Welcome to the Vanguard Community
These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.
The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.
though I'm also tempted by some more second world war stuff - a Sten, webley mkiv, or even an mosin 44 carbine
Siben always tempting a good Dutchman with his Belgian privileges. The laws on those kind of firearms in Belgium almost make me want to migrate 3 hours south.
Ooo a Sten, yes please!
(How you aquire these things in this country is a mystery to me.)
For the British, this website sells a lot of weapons to you guys, deactivated mostly but if you have the papers not always.
They ship to most of europe also.
Deactivated guns - Arundel Militaria
That's cool, thank you! Though I'm guessing MI6 are now onto me for viewing such things...
That better be M16 as in the first version, and not that modern **** that you see in games like Battlefield 4
Very true, but so are most online shops. Offline or second hands, that is where the deals are. walk into random gun shops and ask what they have. If they have something it is almost always cheap. As a rule a specialized shop is ALWAYS overpriced.
I bought my matching 1917 enfield SMLE III* for 350 euro, in shops in Belgium they go for 650 these days, ridiculous.
Example, I want to buy a German 1898 Bayonet, hard to find, in shops they ask 400 euro. I refuse to pay more then 170 for one, it might take me years to find but i don't care, finding something for a great price is where it is at.
There are also events where people buy and sell these objects for reasonable prices. But i don't know many of those in the UK.
Welcome to the War and Peace Revival - The War and Peace Revival ? The Greatest Gathering of Military Vehicles on the Planet
Just realized that we don't have a militaria thread here at allSo let's get this rolling!
K31 Schmidt-Rubin (unknown year)
nice boots....
Shhhh - he's got a gun!
Believe it or not, a girl also prowls in this man cave.