Welcome to the Vanguard Community
These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.
The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.
an actual developer replied OMG, i am now a loyalist to this game <3
In my honest opinion, the respawn time is just fine. The big two reasons are simple:
A: It gives a long enough time, for more people to die. Once more people have died, they will then go on to respawn with you; thus encouraging teamwork, especially if you respawn in a small group.
B: The point on whether or not you "Die anyway" The idea is when you die, will you just sprint straight into another death because "I don't have to wait long to magically be resurrected by Hades himself?"
As for the RO2 type cover system, I think could be neat. Though please make it more user-friendly than RO2 did.
P.S. While we're talking about realism, would it be safe to assume TW will have realistic bullet ballistics? Drop, and lead, etc?
The RO2 game was not about firefights and straight up shoot and take cover, it was about absolute camping
What about a system that looks in to how well you did before you died. Giving you a spawn bonus if for example you survived together with team mates defending a outpost? ( making it so when you camping a lot there isn't a spawning bonus)