• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Simon

    Most Anticipated Game of 2016

    War of Rights, Traction Wars........... What more can I say?
  2. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

  3. Simon

    Battalion 1944

    I agree with both that this game doesn't look so good, but atleast they try, right? I bet they will make it a lot better.
  4. Simon

    Battalion 1944

    This game -------> Looks good, maybe new Medal of Honor ? Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...
  5. Simon

    So this happened while playing new WW2 mod

    So I was playing this new WW2 mod for Insurgency when this happened: Yes they are all legit, checked their profiles and they match. ComradeDave: MrComradeDave - YouTube PsiSyndicate (Lewis, aka LewLew): PsiSyndicate - YouTube The Shermanator: The Shermanator - YouTube
  6. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Stuff you can do with anthems (Yes, I'm a big fan of all anthems lol) Slovenian anthem rock: (part of Slovenian anthem we use is not in the video, but noone likes that part anyways) Russian anthem rock (my fav) Finnish anthem rock: American anthem rock:
  7. Simon

    World military marches

    Ponosni nase = Proud of ourselves
  8. Simon

    PR:WWII Weekend Madness

    Sorry guys that I couldn't come. I played solo 2 hours before we should and it was lagging to hard when I turned left or right it felt like my sensitivity was 0.1. Basically couldnt turn around
  9. Simon

    Games of 2015

    My favourite game? Has to be Traction Wars and War of Rights. Even if they are not out yet, I saw enough to mark it as fav. Both communities and devs are awesome.
  10. Simon

    2015 in review

    2015 is coming to an end. 2015 was a great year, but also bad one. Positive stuff in 2015 is that we got a lot of TW updates, Project Reality etc... Negative stuff in 2015 was.... yes this damn terrorist attacks. I wish everyone to have safe New Year's eve and don't drink in public too...
  11. Simon

    PR:WWII Weekend Madness

    Warsaw and Amsterdam are in the same time zone.
  12. Simon

    Steam recommendations?

    uhhhh, I am refunding GTA 4 , doesn't load.
  13. Simon

    Steam recommendations?

    My PC can't run GTA 5 so yea lol
  14. Simon

    Steam recommendations?

    I'm buying CSGO and GTA 4. Should I go with ETS2 instead of GTA 4 ? I heard ETS2 gets boring without the steering wheel and I will play GTA 4 LCPDFR with a friend. Plz help me decide. And I run Win10 and I heard some people have problems with GTA 4 and Win10 so idk xD
  15. Simon

    Steam recommendations?

    - Verdun, - Counter Strike Global Offensive (might get that one since its on sale) - Mount and Blade Warbad + Napoleonic Wars DLC - Euro Truck Simulator 2 @Aniallator since you are PR geek like me, Project Reality World War 2 Beta will release in following days :D #hype...
  16. Simon

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Chirstmas to you all, I hope you get all the presents you want. And leave some cookies for Santa *looks at @Maniche* All I want for Christmas is youuuuuu, Traction Wars
  17. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

  18. Simon

    Fun game to play with friends

    I found this fun little game on Steam to play with friends, it is free and good. Kinda like Minecraft if you can't afford it :P I suggest you should convince your friend(s) to play with you. Game link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/280790
  19. Simon

    A penny for your screenshots!

    @mmiedzianyy Hmmmmm, I wonder who that would be ? ;)
  20. Simon

    Remembering WW1

    97 years ago, after 4 years horror has ended. Ceasefire was decleared and war was over. Let's remember those who have fallen or have been affected by war. I had my great grandpa fighting for Austria-Hungary and luckily he missed the battle. Stuff like this should never happen in Europe or...