• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Simon

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    I mainly listen to old songs and few modern songs. And by modern I mean:
  2. Simon

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    Had to listen to it again after few months (if not over a year)
  3. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    We did this today but sadly you can't see me (you can but no pixels to see) It's quadrille dance for Guiness record (danced in Slovenia, Serbia, FYROM, Slovakia, Hungary and more) and from almost all high schools in my town only 9 primary schools were invited and ours was in there so we joined...
  4. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Oh my
  5. Simon

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    I'm probably guessing you haven't heard for this style yet "Oberkrainer" it's mainly Slovene, Austrian, German style of music. Most people in those countries like it (including me) Examples (my favourite) (When he died it was kinda a big deal, I will post his funeral if you are interested)
  6. Simon

    Anti-tank M24 & M18 Smoke grenade

    These are my latest creations
  7. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Oh my god, if this isn't sick then idk what is. (except TW updates) #ripCoD
  8. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    BF Bad Company 2: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Mission 1: Operation Aurora (HD) - YouTube Listen to that sound (might have to turn on sound to hear it better) and now compare it to teaser
  9. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

  10. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Here's a video I took few min ago
  11. Simon


    So I made this basic model of Stielhandgranate 24 with Blender. If someone can recommend another free software (I don't want to spend money on softwares) that I can use for modeling. Blender is pretty basic and I'm ready to move to better software I can learn on.
  12. Simon

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    When 2 hours are cancelled and you can go home
  13. Simon

    Swat 4 for Free

    You might have heard for game Swat 4, you even might have played it when you were younger. Thanks to BlueDrake42 its now free (idk for how long, I randomly looked in "Free games" in his desc and I saw it few min ago) BlueDrake42 is a god, I always wanted to play Swat 4 but I never did, I only...
  14. Simon

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    I started to listen to some Serbian war songs recently. I'm not trying to offend someone because we all know what Serbians did in the 90s (even to my country, but we got away with 10 days) but songs are just too funny not to listen to:
  15. Simon

    Days of War

    This looks done? No, just no. And yes I noticed, they have same goals and past like Battalion 44 (playing CoD in childhood...) And don't know if you noticed, trailer is similar to DoD trailer:
  16. Simon

    Days of War

    Another WW2 game coming out called Days of War. It looks just like Battalion 1944. Days of War trailer: Gameplay: I personally don't find anything special about it.
  17. Simon

    Last Treblinka survivor dies

    Yes, s*it happened in past, we can't let this happen again. Polish anthem to honour him (yes he was Polish, don't let the name fool you):
  18. Simon

    Battalion 1944

    Aniallator How Many Cookies Per Person Calculator | Calculate This!
  19. Simon

    New FH2 Update!

    Finland is my new fav faction.. SUOMI, SYNNYINMAA ! SUOMI PERKELE !
  20. Simon

    New FH2 Update!

    It's coming on 8th February aka tomorrow :D