• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. General Naga

    Battlefield 3

    Looking at it again your completely right - the animator should be proud to be the first to get it accurate rather than the usual ragdoll.
  2. General Naga

    Battlefield 3

    Nice - here's a YouTube version of the same in HD
  3. General Naga

    Battlefield 3

    That looks seriously impressive!
  4. General Naga

    Battlefield 3

    I agree to an extent but I still love BFBC2 for reasons other than just it supports EyeFinity :)
  5. General Naga

    Battlefield 3

    I'm going to reserve judgement about BF3 until more details are released. If it turns out to be upgraded BF2 and not a COD style remake then I'll be very happy :)
  6. General Naga

    Flash Mob Advert

  7. General Naga

    Flash Mob Advert

    The series of recent news items about flash mobs around the world has lead me to finally get around to posting this video. Do you know of any good flash mob videos? We're talking about the good type not the bad people-getting-hurt sort. T-Mobile Heathrow Airport: T-Mobile Victoria Street Station:
  8. General Naga

    Mass Effect 3

    I saw this and felt compelled to share - for me this is the game to watch and wait for in 2011.
  9. General Naga

    Pneumatic Prank

    The same friend who sent me the Water Jet Pack video just sent this one through and I felt once again compelled to share :)
  10. General Naga

    Santa Hats

    That time of year has once again arrived so I decided to dust off my nice red bobble hat and stick it firmly on my head for the world to see. Personally I think I look pretty good in it but I'm wondering who else will be joining the hat club this year and who will have the best hat of 2010...
  11. General Naga

    Water Jet Pack

    Got to get myself one of these :)
  12. General Naga

    News Update #18: Lebisey

    News Update #18 Lebisey Hello and welcome to another update from the Traction Wars Team. Since August the team has seen several new faces and we've been hard at work in-game so finally we feel it time to announce the first of several maps which will be released in OVERLORD. We have welcomed...
  13. General Naga

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    For anyone who enjoyed Wall-E or just likes Pixar Shorts...
  14. General Naga

    Firefall Trailer

    I spotted this on CGSociety and thought I'd share :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNgxanWcDbA
  15. General Naga

    Hobbit Filming to Start Feb 2011

    Source: BBC News Website Rumoured that Part 1 to be slated for December 2012
  16. General Naga

    New Videos of Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

    /Offtopic Nice signature Blitz ;)
  17. General Naga

    Bad Company 2 Vietnam

    Personally I love BFBC2 - its a good fun game which is fine if you don't take it too seriously. I tend to play it when I just want to wade into combat guns blazing ;)
  18. General Naga

    Borderlands Intro

    Personally I think this is probably the best game intro of all time. For once I don't want to skip it through! So for those of you who haven't got Borderlands (which is a good game by the way) here is it is for your enjoyment... For the full effect remember to turn your speakers/headphones up :)
  19. General Naga

    News Update #17: Verse of the Frontline

    Article: News Update #17: Verse of the Frontline You can view the page at http://www.twmod.org/content.php/166-News-Update-17-Verse-of-the-Frontline
  20. General Naga

    News Update #17: Verse of the Frontline

    News Update #17 Verse of the Frontline Hello and welcome to another update of Traction Wars. In the last few months since our last update we've made immense progress behind the scenes but we thought it time to give you another peek into what is to come so here's a teaser screenshot for your...