• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Sir Apple

    Far Cry 2 makes me mad

    Re: Some light relief... |56k Warning| Ah okay that makes sense. Checkpoints are annoying though, because when I am given a missions I have to offroad to avoid checkpoints. If I go the main roads I will, a) run into an enemy vehicle patrolling or b) run into a checkpoint and use ammo and such...
  2. Sir Apple

    Far Cry 2 makes me mad

    Re: Some light relief... |56k Warning| My graphics card is an Nvidia - it could definitely be upgraded. Oddly enough now its loading fast, so I don't know o_0. But you made me not really want to play through or give it any effort, although I must admit for the few hours I've played I've only...
  3. Sir Apple

    Far Cry 2 makes me mad

    Re: Some light relief... |56k Warning| lol brrr so true. The guns are weird - they handle okay but at the same time aren't quite the most realistic ever. At first I thought the jamming was awesome, but then it kept happening and my gun blew up :( Luckily I have a SAW, but still, a bit odd. I...
  4. Sir Apple

    Far Cry 2 makes me mad

    Re: Some light relief... |56k Warning| It just doesn't run well - very very long loading times. It takes around 15 minutes to load my game save. For the fun of things I tried the editor and oh god... after placing a few vehicles and goofing off with guns it just stops working. The game is just...
  5. Sir Apple

    Far Cry 2 makes me mad

    So FarCry 2 is the dumbest game I've ever played. Although I wouldn't really know because after an hour of playing it doesn't work anymore. I freaking want my $20 back steam! Signed, Unhappy Apple
  6. Sir Apple

    Greatest 2011 moment?

    So in your opinion what was the coolest/most historical/interesting/disastrous moment or event in 2011? I'm honestly not sure of mine, so much has happened this past year! But I thought maybe some of you would have something cool :)
  7. Sir Apple

    IndieDB Awards

    Hey everyone. Just a reminder, voting for IndieDB game awards has opened. It would be great to have some support, and if nothing else have a chance in the Unreleased game catagory. To vote go to our IndieDB page and click "Vote for this game" - Traction Wars Windows game - Indie DB Thanks!
  8. Sir Apple

    Cardboard Warfare

    Ah I remember this. It is cool though sometimes I feel the acting is a bit poor, or "forced" if that makes sense :P
  9. Sir Apple

    Battlefield 3

    Well to be fair the immersion and combat is not to "unrealistic" if that makes sense. I think due to the fantastic immersive qualities the game has such as sound, it makes it stand out as a 'realistic' shooter compared to other mainstream games out there.
  10. Sir Apple

    Modern Warfare 3

    In all honesty I've seen a lot of die-hard COD fans questioning the path COD is taking, and literally saying MW3 is the same as MW2, just with a few things changed around. To me, Infinaty Ward and Treyarch have a false sense of pride and are milking the success that the series had (past tense)...
  11. Sir Apple

    Battlefield 3

    Found this interesting and funny. So PETA, the commonly accepted money racket, is lashing out at BF3 for the sequence in mission 3 of the campaign where the player is crawling on the ground and a rat comes out of a pipe and bites onto your glove, then you stab it with knife. Battlefield 3...
  12. Sir Apple

    Battlefield 3

    This. Is. So.Hot. Facebook
  13. Sir Apple

    RIP Steve Jobs

    Well, whether or not your a Mac fan, you can't deny the impact this man has had on technology and the computerized world, and where it lies today. Visionary Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies at 56 - Business - US business - msnbc.com I found this news quite sad. I guess this is the reason he...
  14. Sir Apple

    Bethesda suing Minecraft creators

    Its amazing how money causes such immaturity. Apple
  15. Sir Apple

    Crytek Warface: F2P Multiplayer FPS

    Hmm, looks really cool judging from the pictures. I can't read all about it right now but it looks interesting!
  16. Sir Apple

    Bethesda suing Minecraft creators

    We just got Edaded :D
  17. Sir Apple

    Unlimited Graphics

    Ah, thats funny lol. I think its a good 'idea', but honestly there isn't anything wrong with the current techniques done to create assets in current game engines. Cry Engine 3 for instance looks amazing, but obviously if you put a textured tree up to a completely 3-Dimensional tree, the total...
  18. Sir Apple

    Unlimited Graphics

    It is interesting, I remember seeing this awhile ago. Is the game industry even really into the idea of this? They never really went into if the job of a texture artist for say, a gun, or, a stove is changed or eliminated. I'd hope its not. All in all though it seams to be a technique applied...
  19. Sir Apple

    Battlefield 3

    To be honest, I think I may branch out and get a new Battlefield. In my opinion Bf2 was the last good one, but Bf3 still has some aspects that I really do like. :)
  20. Sir Apple

    Post your space

    Hey guys, I thought it may be cool to post pictures of your PC/gaming area. Please feel free to post - I will post mine once I clean my room this week :D