Re: Will all buildings be enterable when game is official
brrr, I see where you are coming from, also if all the houses are "enterable", imagine if everybody decided to camp and hide, there would hardly be any activity. However, this is a realistic game, there were many battles where you had to fight house by house in order to capture the city. Back to the camping scenario: A team (or both) should decide that they have to move out and find the enemy if they are currently losing. Despite if there are more houses than players, the better strategist and skilled players will win most times.
One way of focusing the players into the combat zones, it's how you place the capture points/flags and other factors such as style of game-play (death match, conquest, destroy objectives etc). As a player (playing BF42, 2, FH, PR, and WWIIO, etc.) there's nothing more annoying than houses that you cannot enter, especially in crucial times.
Honestly though, I won't go berserk if you make all the buildings opened or not, but it would be something very different from almost games out there and could foment quite different, creative and new strategies.