• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

The Hi I'm New Thread


New Member
Hello there,

I'm new here too. The game seems great and I'm aching to contribute to it :)

I hope this game develops quickly so we all can some day play the game as the first ~10000 (until then)




New Member
I suppose this is the place to ask.

My title is "New Member". Is this tied to post count, or time elapsed since signing on?
Meaning the "New" part gets dropped after a certain amount of time or posts?


Well-known member
Seems to be post count, as some people who have been members since years back (but who were never actually active/posted more than a few times) are still New Members.


Kinda odd, figured I'd be a senior member by now.

On a side note, how do I actually get the Steam ribbon? I joined the group.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
New Members are members with less than three posts.

They can't send PMs and their posts are passed through a strict spam filter - just in case they're a bot :)
Hey all

Im Cameron and an 18 year old currently living in Florida, United States. I'm attending Florida International University as a Computer Science major.

I'm a huge WW2 fanatic and my biggest interest lies within Germany's WW2 forces.

I'm also considering joining the United States Marine Corps as an infantry rifleman after College.


Welcome to TW! :)

By the way, what's with the tags? Hahahaha "fleurmadelaine" what?? @volcol did the pub quiz made you do that?? :laugh: or is this all the words that people have said... It's the first time I see it!
Welcome to TW! :)

By the way, what's with the tags? Hahahaha "fleurmadelaine" what?? @volcol did the pub quiz made you do that?? :laugh: or is this all the words that people have said... It's the first time I see it!

Those are all the people who have been mentioned with an @ in front of them. Also, FleurMadelaine is our new Communications Officer and a close friend of Naga, if memory serves me right


Those are all the people who have been mentioned with an @ in front of them. Also, FleurMadelaine is our new Communications Officer and a close friend of Naga, if memory serves me right

Thanks for the clarification! It's the first time that pops up for me! Well, now I know!