My only issue with this is that I cannot see a tank functioning as it would. Infantry have a small room for error, can you say the same for a tank? Driver needs to learn to angle the tank effectively if he fails to understand that.. its over. I said it once earlier and I will say it again. Not everything can be simulated like it was in war. I'd rather have the tank all to myself than have a bunch of randoms in with me who may or may not know what they are doing. Nobody has attempted this ever, why? Cause everyone's doing it? Well I don't think so... I think that many have tried but it just cannot work in that manner simply because of the sheer amount of scripting, the amount of bugs.
Tanks maybe op sure but having that turret swivel slow as they really did, ridiculously poor vision (the dust kicking up after a shot is fired) etc is just enough to keep tanks in check and at their limits. Realism in a game can only get you thus far, besides judging from the video they posted about the cromwell tank I'd say I am certainly right about them implementing single person tanks. Its a lot more easier to use, way more effective and just spares a ridiculous amount of time imagine having to model every inch of the interior of the tank...
I still am not convinced that multi person tanks are the way to go. Just cause PR has an effective squad system doesn't necessarily mean it can be implemented effectively. Flying do you remember how I had a mic and it still wouldn't work? To some extent I could more or less understand what we were doing but is that possible if we were in a tank and say I was the driver? I highly doubt it. There will always be people with some sort of technical issues and you cant expect to just name the squad in a manner and kick the person.
Besides you guys behave like its no big deal that a squad mate is lost after someone is booted, lets say nobody joins in later on, what if the fkin driver was kicked? and you have no replacements for him?
Tl;Dr: Multi person tanks just cannot work not because of lack of scripting but because of human error. There is just little to no margin for error in a tank crew, one false move will mean the end.