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Some nice and realistic thing for tanks

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What I would like to see with tanks/armor. The ability of having a player as a driver and another player to be commander/gunner.


I hope to see tank damage models; ammunition, engine, sights, tracks, turret ring, et cetera. It ought to be possible to kill individual tank crewmen. Not sure if you have this considered/planned, devs.


Huge waste of time for a game like this.

Time consuming? Yes. Waste of time? No. I think it'd be best if they implement a placeholder tank system upon the release of tanks, and hopefully implement modelled interiors at a much later stage.


Tanks and other ground vehicles will be in Chapter 2 so it will not delay release of the Chapter 1 ,so i don't see problem if they do tank modelled interiors in Chapter 2 .


Well, the Bedford QLD and Opel Blitz may or may not appear in Overlord. Anyway, you make a fair point, but nonetheless, I'd rather the second chapter bring in loads of new features, rather than tank interiors, which could take months upon months to create. No, I'd rather tank interiors come in at the third chapter at least. The second chapter should be saved to bring in oodles of new features after players have tasted the beauty of TW in Overlord.


Well, the Bedford QLD and Opel Blitz may or may not appear in Overlord. Anyway, you make a fair point, but nonetheless, I'd rather the second chapter bring in loads of new features, rather than tank interiors, which could take months upon months to create. No, I'd rather tank interiors come in at the third chapter at least. The second chapter should be saved to bring in oodles of new features after players have tasted the beauty of TW in Overlord.

Just two tank later they can do variants ,variants of one model of tank interiors are almost the same (maybe few stuff are different) .


They could just make "simple" interiors for Chapter 2 (as someone said before,that the points of view of gunner,commander and pilot are forced and are just a little space of view,like a zoom view for the gunner and just that) and then for Chapter 3 make the proper interiors so we don't have to wait a lot for tanks :p


They could just make "simple" interiors for Chapter 2 (as someone said before,that the points of view of gunner,commander and pilot are forced and are just a little space of view,like a zoom view for the gunner and just that) and then for Chapter 3 make the proper interiors so we don't have to wait a lot for tanks :p

I think that's the way to go :D And good point, [MENTION=2422]Fliper[/MENTION] if other variants of the same tank are implemented, their interiors would still be more or less the same, making their implementation a lot easier.
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Another point to see (and now not just in tanks) is customization with simbols,flags or even "power ups". In WW2 there were Shermans that had sandbags at the front to have a better protection against shells. And most of the jeeps and transport vehicles from the 9th Company "La Nueve" (a Spanish and French company where most of the soldiers were spanish republicans) had little flags representing the Spanish Republic and had painted names on the sides or at the front like "Guadalajara" "Ebro" "Tunisie"...

And the thing with this is: Devs,will we be able to modify vehicles (even if not in Chapter 1,just want to know if you thought about it)?


I just don't see any point in allowing players to place camouflage on their tank themselves. IMO some tanks - not all - should spawn with camouflage in the form of foliage and netting on the tank. Perhaps more German tanks be given camouflage than Brit tanks? The Germans seemed keen on camouflage, especially during Normandy, to help conceal their tanks from Allied planes. Different painted camouflage patterns on tanks would be great; of course, this would only apply to German tanks. Messages on tanks are also fun. As with camouflage, not all tanks should be given a message, but for those that are no two tanks should have the same message; each should be different. Not hard to do. Stuff like "BERLIN OR BUST" for Brit tanks and "HÄNSEL" for German ones. The Germans didn't seem as fond of messages on their tanks as the Allies, so perhaps more Brit tanks be given messages than German.

Not sure about having camouflage on anything besides tanks. Perhaps some German trucks or something, because short of tanks, the Allies didn't really camouflage their vehicles. If any PaK 40s or similar guns are placed around forested areas, they should have camouflage. And don't forget camouflage netting over artillery batteries.

I'm not sure about having logs or sandbags on tanks, as that wasn't all too common.
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I may have a good solution for the Tank gameplay.

What if the tank it control by AI? So what you really are is the Tank commander that will mean a delay from the command to the execution. You keys could be W,S,A,D, so "fine adjust driving some few degrees" and the rest could me like you commend in "Brother in Arm" In that way we are sure to not drive where there could be. Maybe "fine adjust the gun sight" with Shift + W,S,A,D

Your view should be FP only, You can up the Tank like you see a commander do, and you can go down to be safe where you have small holes to look out of. Until you think you are save. When you are up, you can character finger pointing were to drive, and you will hear him talk, that will of course require a lot of voice acting, but the benefit will be great for this game!

A scenario: You are in your Tank in combat. Enemy Tank have flanket you and he fire and you hear a bang, and instantly you see haze and i bit of smoke that gets stronger, you can hear your breathing gets stronger and faster. You know that you are game over and you press the E key to eject and that is what your character shouts. "Get out Get out"

All the other of your crew are AI and they try to get out. (Not that will need Animation and rigged body, and the animation don't have to be so precise as smoke will cover the details. and the rigged body can take over at a point" If some of the survive they will flee. I think a "lemming" coding can do that. In Unity you kinda panting on the map where the crew can run and hide, so I guess that CryEngine can do the same.

And then you can experience a scenario like this. Feedback?


I agree we need AI tank crewmen in TW, however I think any player that's a tank crewman should be able to spawn into another player's tank, regardless of location. And you should be able to play as more than just the commander!

Cool video by the way, thanks for sharing that ;)


My dream is: the loader is driven by us; i mean, the gunner shoots the cannon and we, as loaders, do a series of QTE to take the shell and put it in the 88! Sorry if my explaination sucks lol:(
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No no no no no. No AI at all (unless it's co-op against bots). Other than that all real players. If you wanna drive a tank, make a tank squad and have other players fill every position in your tank. This is realism, everybody has to fill a roll, no matter how dull it can be at times. If you want to drive the tank you should need a driver.


Vanguard Friend
I believe TW will be going with a "middle of the road approach" on this. Meaning a player controlling a tank will simulate a well trained and coordinated crew, but there will be options for players to fill specific roles (such as the hull MG or turret, maybe commander/spotter). Because if you make it required for the tanks to be multicrewed you simulate "realism" in the sense of tank operation but you don't simulate "history" where tank crews were usually tightly knit teams that lived and trained together for months, even years.

Well done voice acting should eliminate the sense of "being the tank" as opposed to "being in the tank".


For me, the only non real player could be the loader (because is too boring and because the team should model the interiors, more work for nothing).

- Leader (captain): coordinate the team and mark the targets. It should also be able to open the hatch and look outside, and close the hatch and watch through periscopes dome
- Gunner: select ammunition class and, obviously fire the cannon and the coax machine gun
- Machine gunner/radio operator: I dont know how will be the communication system in TW :p, but perhaps they could communicate with the other tanks and the commander. And of course, fire the machine gun

Sounds difficult, but with a good leader and a team that obey orders, It would be totally immersive and realistic, and something never seen before
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