Headshot blod effects would not neccesarely be for the shoote, but more of a effect for players surrounding the person who got headshoted.
Seeing that your teammate died from a headshot, represented by a peace of helmet*?*, blood and brains commig out of the back would indicate that the enemy has a skillful shooter and naturaly induce fear.
Unfortunately many of the stuff I listed here would be hard or impossible to see if you consider how fast the bullet travels, and simply making the animation to slow would be to unrealistic (and for me) even immersion breaking.
But I still think that with various tests (like the ones donewith HUD) a compromise could be found where it shows as uch details as possible, without having the feeling that time "slowed down".
As for radios it could be possible that you tune up to a certain frequency, and are able to hear incomming transmisions from same frequency aswell as broadcast a message (would require to kneel down and be stationary).
However, I am unsure of the practical usage of it, since players would rather choose teamspeak if they wish to communicate.
To "no kill message" I don't want the enemy to know if I died or simply took cover, completely immersion and realism breaking.
You should be able to throw back grenades, if you can find them.
No to picking up a grenade without even seeing it, the player would have to look down straight to the grenade (perhaps a certain radius around grenade but still fairly close to it) without a magicall message telling you that you have spotted a grenade, and oh yea did I mention grenades could be set so that colision for them always makes them slightly sunk in to ground and have foliage cover them?
So all in all you are better off running away if you noticed a grenade fly near you than trying to find out where it landed.
Reloading could possibly be done by having 3 animations and the system "counting" at wich animation it stopped.
Animation 1 would remove the clip and put the weapon in "no clip idle animation" for few sechonds while the player locates and optains the clip from his persona (irl you would tap a pocket to check if the clip is there, open the pocket, remove the clip from it and and only after doing all that you would put it in the gun).
After that animation number 2 would animate the player inserting the clip , if the animation was interrupted player could (if possible) drop that clip on the ground and restart.
Crouch sprint = no
You could move while crouching but sprinting would not be possible, you could have some sort of a hybrd of faster crouch walking but would simply require excessive animations and scripting.
As for regular running I have no intention running around like I have severe back problems, slightly beding down when running I would approve of but it would be more aye-candy that actually usefull to take some cover.
As for medics, how about a compromise;
A "medic bag" to be available as a form of a equipment, sacraficing ability to carry grenades and reducing ammo?
Same could be done for some other "equipment bags" for extra ammo, grenades and some special equipment.
Furthermore I disagree with bandages restoring your HP, perhaps slightly but if a soldier is wounded, he's wounded.
Compromise could be amde that limb shots reduce your HP and affect your running/walking/aiming ability, and bandages would partially restore your HP and said abilities (simulating that the bullet didn't deverely penetrate vital mussles and crush the bones but be more-less surface wound.
As for moans I do not wish to to have random sounds popping out to ndicate that I am wounded, not only it is imersion breaking but is very annoying.
However I would settle with my character expressing pain when performing some tasks that require strenght, like throwing a grenade or (I really don't know how to translate a word so I will explane what I mean) pulling the bolt in order toreload rifles that have heavy bolt (MG42?) and even than the sound would be subtle and implemented more for immersion rather to say "hey, i'm wounded".
In the other hand seeng a soldier who got hit move around and moain in pain and die shortly after would be a great effect.
About respawning, this is a tricky question.
Squad respawning = clan/team function, would simulate the size of a squad, but could only be possible if squad leader is faaaaar away from the enemy instead of being in actuall combat.
What I mean by that is lets say we have a squad that encountered a enemy, while they are having their gunfight you can't respawn on a your squad, but once the enemy has been defeated and gets more or less peacefull you could reinforce your squad.
This is all I could think of, also I would preffer having some sort of voice communication in game without ability to mute somebody, if somebody wants to call you a flippin brailess twat he can do so, but he might face some sort of a punishment later on.
Seeing that your teammate died from a headshot, represented by a peace of helmet*?*, blood and brains commig out of the back would indicate that the enemy has a skillful shooter and naturaly induce fear.
Unfortunately many of the stuff I listed here would be hard or impossible to see if you consider how fast the bullet travels, and simply making the animation to slow would be to unrealistic (and for me) even immersion breaking.
But I still think that with various tests (like the ones donewith HUD) a compromise could be found where it shows as uch details as possible, without having the feeling that time "slowed down".
As for radios it could be possible that you tune up to a certain frequency, and are able to hear incomming transmisions from same frequency aswell as broadcast a message (would require to kneel down and be stationary).
However, I am unsure of the practical usage of it, since players would rather choose teamspeak if they wish to communicate.
To "no kill message" I don't want the enemy to know if I died or simply took cover, completely immersion and realism breaking.
You should be able to throw back grenades, if you can find them.
No to picking up a grenade without even seeing it, the player would have to look down straight to the grenade (perhaps a certain radius around grenade but still fairly close to it) without a magicall message telling you that you have spotted a grenade, and oh yea did I mention grenades could be set so that colision for them always makes them slightly sunk in to ground and have foliage cover them?
So all in all you are better off running away if you noticed a grenade fly near you than trying to find out where it landed.
Reloading could possibly be done by having 3 animations and the system "counting" at wich animation it stopped.
Animation 1 would remove the clip and put the weapon in "no clip idle animation" for few sechonds while the player locates and optains the clip from his persona (irl you would tap a pocket to check if the clip is there, open the pocket, remove the clip from it and and only after doing all that you would put it in the gun).
After that animation number 2 would animate the player inserting the clip , if the animation was interrupted player could (if possible) drop that clip on the ground and restart.
Crouch sprint = no
You could move while crouching but sprinting would not be possible, you could have some sort of a hybrd of faster crouch walking but would simply require excessive animations and scripting.
As for regular running I have no intention running around like I have severe back problems, slightly beding down when running I would approve of but it would be more aye-candy that actually usefull to take some cover.
As for medics, how about a compromise;
A "medic bag" to be available as a form of a equipment, sacraficing ability to carry grenades and reducing ammo?
Same could be done for some other "equipment bags" for extra ammo, grenades and some special equipment.
Furthermore I disagree with bandages restoring your HP, perhaps slightly but if a soldier is wounded, he's wounded.
Compromise could be amde that limb shots reduce your HP and affect your running/walking/aiming ability, and bandages would partially restore your HP and said abilities (simulating that the bullet didn't deverely penetrate vital mussles and crush the bones but be more-less surface wound.
As for moans I do not wish to to have random sounds popping out to ndicate that I am wounded, not only it is imersion breaking but is very annoying.
However I would settle with my character expressing pain when performing some tasks that require strenght, like throwing a grenade or (I really don't know how to translate a word so I will explane what I mean) pulling the bolt in order toreload rifles that have heavy bolt (MG42?) and even than the sound would be subtle and implemented more for immersion rather to say "hey, i'm wounded".
In the other hand seeng a soldier who got hit move around and moain in pain and die shortly after would be a great effect.
About respawning, this is a tricky question.
Squad respawning = clan/team function, would simulate the size of a squad, but could only be possible if squad leader is faaaaar away from the enemy instead of being in actuall combat.
What I mean by that is lets say we have a squad that encountered a enemy, while they are having their gunfight you can't respawn on a your squad, but once the enemy has been defeated and gets more or less peacefull you could reinforce your squad.
This is all I could think of, also I would preffer having some sort of voice communication in game without ability to mute somebody, if somebody wants to call you a flippin brailess twat he can do so, but he might face some sort of a punishment later on.