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Attachments on Weapons

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
As most of you are aware in Crysis you can customize weapons with attachments (see screenshot)

I was thinking that this might cause problems for us with our kit system. Do we want our weapons to have attachments or do we want to pre-fix our attachments like in a game such as Battlefield. The obvious advantage with doing this is it means that if someone gets a limited sniper kit, they can't act like a normal solider by removing their scope, if they did do that it would be a complete waste of a sniper kit and deprive someone who would have used it properly from having the kit.

So what do guys think? Attachments or no attachments?

Mr Zephy

Well-known member
IRL, it takes a few minutes at least to re-attatch a scope. #I'd imagine it'd take less time, but still at least a minute to change various other bits on a gun.

So no, no attatchments.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
I agree with you Zephy, it seams a shame to waste such a cool engine feature but I think it's a necessary sacrifice. Unless we want to make it's only silencers you can fit or something...

Bayonets I think should be made as attachments. We might find a way of putting in a small time delay to make it more realistic for them. Scopes should not be attachments though in my opinion.


Or, rather than scrap attachments, limit the options. OK, so you don't want snipers taking off their attachments, fine. But what if players could unlock a slightly better scope to put on? That'd be sweet.

Attachments open up a whole range of exciting possibilities; you've just got to think about what you do and don't offer players. Simply don't *offer* a "no scope" option on the sniper rifle. Similar applies to other instances of "we don't want players doing this" - simply don't make it an option. Doesn't mean you have to lose this kick-ass engine feature and massive opportunity for unlocks/customization.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Why would you want to be able to switch to a inferior scope? If you want to have less zoom then use a Marksman kit rather than a Sniper kit.

As far as I see it the best option to us currently (without unlocks) is the following:

Bayonet [Yes]
Scope [No]
Silencer [Debatable]
Ammunition [No]
Flash-light [Yes]


Senior Member
I dont see the point in having attatchments for the mod... mabye if we had the time later after a proper release we could trial them. But i agree with zephy's POV for now.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
I agree for the most part, but bayonets and flash lights would be much easier to implement as attachments rather than separate weapons.


I agree. Cool as it is to have attachments its doesn't really fit in with the fluff for the most part (no underslung grenade launchers for me  :()
But bayonets, flashlights and the like are fine.


Whoops. Forgot about that.
Maybe a similer sort of thing. Maybe gun-mounted lanterns that operate on gas? Although It would have to be a choice between flashlighty-lantern thing and bayonets since there wouldn't be room on a gun for both.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Agreed it would be one or the other which isn't a problem you can do that with Crysis attachments. I was thinking that they would have a battery on their belt with a power lead running to the lamp...


That would work well.

Would it be possible to give the flashlight a limited charge? (like in Halo 1), because I don't imagine that the battery would be able to provide power for long.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Possible yes (as the nightvision has a limit) but how practical I have no idea. It would be something we would have to get a dedicated coder to look into.


What about old-tech?
That would be a pretty "fluffly" way to implement attachments although how to balance it I'm not sure (bearing in mind how destructive it was all meant to be). But prehaps some of the less war-orintated technology such as "special scopes" like thermal vision or something similar.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Well they only got X-ray vision because of scavenged stalker parts, thermo vision in Crysis is very difficult though. So I doubt we would consider implementing. Nightvision might have been around though.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Only if it's dark though :) - I was thinking it would be more fun to have star-shells instead when working on the surface. Nightvision would be useful on the lower decks though.


What about "feet?" for Snipers and Machine guns. They increase accuracy and decrease recoil and scatter, but you move slower and can't fire when moving.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
You read my mind! I had the same idea a few days ago - so yer that will be going in if we can work out how to code it.


Senior Member
it would probably only work when prone or when you have the weapon out there could be a small deploy shillouette on the surface you point your crosshair at so long as it is flat, this would mean deploying the rifle on some sandbags for instance and pressing the action key to use the sniper as a sort of turret.
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