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Classes in Traction Wars

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Moody, you're on fire :D I totally agree 100% with that, even though it reminds me of Resisance&Liberation! I believe TeamWork would be present in such a class organization, but still, i think that having all the team members in a certain view-range should give a Bonus, less supression power from the ennemy or, faster movements

Well it's just an idea but still,


General Naga

Pathfinder Games
This is an interesting idea - I wonder though whether it might feel a little restricting?

Players joining fuller servers would get forced into roles they don't like for example. On the other hand as you say it does enable tighter control of kits and class distribution which helps with realism.


Fair point, it would suck to be force to play as a MMG gunner when you don't know what you're doing. Maybe always have some extra riflemen squad open to side, so you can always just be a rifleman.


100% agree with your idea Moody, you took the words out of my mouth.
Always good to have few extra rifleman in class selection.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
That could work as a way around that issue.

I wonder whether a "watered down" version might also work quite well - which allows the NCO to select the type of squad but each type comprises a specific set of classes as in your original idea.

Certain squad types would have to be limited but it would offer additional amount of tactical flexibility within limits.

So a team might replace one of the assault squads with an extra rifle squad so they had greater strength at range for example.


Well-known member
That could work as a way around that issue.

I wonder whether a "watered down" version might also work quite well - which allows the NCO to select the type of squad but each type comprises a specific set of classes as in your original idea.

Certain squad types would have to be limited but it would offer additional amount of tactical flexibility within limits.

So a team might replace one of the assault squads with an extra rifle squad so they had greater strength at range for example.

That's a really cool idea. It gives competitive players more strategy to deal with (i.e. which layout to play against the other team based on the map).

How would NCO's be selected though? First come, first serve? That may not be as fair to other players, but it can't be abused like a voting system.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
It does raise the issue of changing layout mid-game - whether it should be possible and how to make it fair.


Speaking of classes and NCO's what would people think of a requirement for Squad leaders and team leaders to have a mic? Yeah some people would be limited if they didn't have a mic (I would be one of these people) but I think it would emphasize the value of communication by these players which can only be done efficiently through a mic rather than typing. I know this would be a turn off to some players but there would be other roles they can play as and the strength of a squad leader comes more from their ability to lead rather than there ability to just kill the enemy.

It may be too much but its something to think about at the very least. Once again I dont want to alienate people from playing the game but considering mics are not too expensive I don't think it would be a deal breaker for most.


I'm not sure if restricting gameplay options based on someone's hardware limitations is a good idea. The only way it would be feasible is for the game to detect whether you have a recording device plugged in, or to do an in game voice activation test. I wouldn't be against it, but that might be only because I have a mic.
On the topic of pick-up kits, I personally would not like to see pick-up kits for snipers/medics, I think they should be spawnable.

Firstly for medic kits, I think they should be spawnable but limited, and nerfed in a way so that they aren't abused and it actually takes effort/time to revive someone. As well as this, people who have been hit by artillery/headshotted should not able to be revived. Kinda like how in Project Reality there is a wounded screen and a dead screen. I think having a spawnable medic really encourages teamwork and adds to the immersion you get from a game, especially if you are playing that character.

And for snipers, I believe they should also be spawnable but limited to one per team, and if you are able to drop your kit and transfer it to another player in TW, then this shouldn't be allowed for the sniper. This being because the sniper could just respawn after he's given away his kit to someone, and so on. In FH2 for example, the sniper kits are only up in church towers etc and I think this limits the sniper in a way, I personally think it works better in DH/RO where they are spawnable but only on the appropriate maps. And it's not exactly realistic for someone to just find a sniper rifle in a church tower in the heat of battle :p

However in contrast to all that, I think it would be lovely to see less common guns like the baretta SMG as pickup kits in the barracks and such places.

Or all 'special' kits could be requested from an armoury like in ARMA/PR when you start the map? Just my $0.02. Sorry for the wall of text.


New Member
Medic - used to take downed, bleeding or otherwise not fit for fight players to a safe place. Think of how ArmA did it.
Sniper - I believe they were called squad designated marksman. Use them as such. Maybe limited spawns with long cooldown timer? The commander could designate someone in the spawn queue as sniper.

My idea: rifle grenades. Empty clip. Load blank. Attack nade. Aim. Shoot. Try not to have collarbone broken. Same spawning mechanic as before.


I think the Arma II medic system would be nice in this game, or the I44 one, sorta like you can heal yourself, but it is likely you'll fail to heal yourself prooperly, whereas a medic will definately heal your wounds after one try :p


If you devs could do something similar to this, it would be fantastic (actually historical accuracy also ;)).
My idea is this> make all the soldiers have the ability to throw knives or even have the ability to attack the enemy with your rifle/smg butt if you are out of ammo (stock butt) ^. Also, make animations for knives to stab or slash :p (maybe right click and left click).

This is similar to the layout of FH2, but it does give a good choice.

1 Knife
2 Rifle
3 AP mine (in some maps, maybe take them out)
4 Smoke grenade
5 Binoculars
6 Field dressing

1 Knife
3 Grenade
4 Field dressing

1 Bayonet
2 Rifle (devs, if you are willing to make custom picks like this> the K98 has the hooded sight or have the ability to take it off :D)
3 Grenade
4 Grenade or explosives launcher (maybe do not put this in all the maps)
5 Field dressing


1 Knife or shovel
2 Pistol (in some maps, maybe not)
4 Some type of explosives (either a grenade or in the future a tank explosive device)
5 Field dressing

1 Knife or bayonet
2 Rifle (custom choice, same as the Rifleman/Regular)
3 AT Mine or some type of satchel or geballte ladung (in the future when the tanks come)
4 Maybe mine markers (same above)
5 Wrench or repair tool
6 Field dressing

Commando: (very few maps involved with this one)
1 Knife
2 Pistol
4 Explosive of some type (grenades, AP mines, AT mines etc..)
5 Field dressing

Field Medic:
1 Knife
2 Rifle or smg
3 Field dressings and medic bag

Anti Tank: (no need for it now...)

Corporal/NCO/Squad leader/Commander:
1 Knife
2 Pistol
3 SMG or rifle
4 Smoke grenade
5 Flare gun (in some maps)
6 Binoculars
7 Field dressings (more for the squad)
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Sir Apple

Well-known member
No need for anti tank? There are tanks in traction wars, as well as anti tank weapons as of now :p

We have (since day 1 really) discussed and continue to workout the best kit setups. Whilst keeping it realistic, also keeping it balanced and fun. Additionally we will have kit limitations and special kits, and pickup kits containing some fun stuff.

Its one of those things that extensive play testing helps decide as well as suggestions, like yours :)


Alright, i just thought that someone said that the First Chapter will not have tanks. :p

Although, somehow i still think you should make a explosive satchel pickup kit hidden in the woods (would not be accurate though). xD


Well-known member
Alright, i just thought that someone said that the First Chapter will not have tanks. :p

Although, somehow i still think you should make a explosive satchel pickup kit hidden in the woods (would not be accurate though). xD

Did some searching and it would appear the FAQ says the following (@Naga):

"At the present time vehicles are not expected to be included in the release of OVERLORD however it is still possible that a limited number of vehicles will make the first release.
We have started working on vehicles as making them realistic will take some time but OVERLORD will take priority until release."

Which, if I'm not mistaken, should read: "Damn straight, we got tanks yo."


Well-known member
Thank you for the suggestion, but kit set up has already been run through to reflect actual kit make up for maps and for what soldiers actually carried. :)


If i am not mistaken i would like to point out, also, is that machine gun guys actually did carry explosives with (as i have seen Germans machine gunners carrying a stielhandgranate). :D


Well-known member
Occasionally, yes, they did. Donno if that'll be reflected, for balancing issues. There will be an ample number of grenades spread through the classes though, plus dedicated squad grenadiers, who will have the cup launcher and more thrown grenades.


How about, only certian class can pick certain classes form a dead body. Ex. a sniper dies, the snipers kit will be near the dead body, but only another sniper can pick up this kit, but nobody else. This will reduce amount of snipers in one game, so you wont have 20 snipers in one team. (this could also be usefull for classes like; mortar group (if avaible in the game), anti tank class, etc.
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