sack of potatoes
A gamemode that is simple as this:
you have only one life , when you die, you go to the menu.
you have only one life , when you die, you go to the menu.
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it's the best tactic ever!in all seriousness though, there should be a gamemode where you are limited to only 1 live so people actually play like they care about their life.. Not like me who runs into everything and dies instantly
In all seriousness though, there should be a gamemode where you are limited to only 1 live so people actually play like they care about their life.. not like me who runs into everything and dies instantly
When you die it deletes System 32, crashes your internet, makes whole street go out of power, NSA hunts you down, FBI breaks into your house....
I like it !
don't forget SWAT and DEA
I can see this, however it depends on how many spawns a rally will allow before it disappears. Assuming rallies take ten or so spawns to disappear then I imagine it's fine... you should have to use explosives to destroy them though, so they can't be shot and destroyed from long distances. One grenade would be fine. This is all assuming that rallies will be implemented as a physical object.- spawn (rally ?) points are destructible objects, such as radios that can be destroyed to prevent the players from respawning instantly
Of course, yes. However, I think there needs to be a minimum number of enemy players within X meters of a spawn point to block spawning; it doesn't make sense if just one or two enemy players can get near the spawn and block the spawn point, and of course the block distance can't be too big, and ought to vary depending on the flag.- blocked spawns like in PR or FH2 when enemies are directly near the spawn point
Personally not sure about the last ones, I think there are too many circumstances that could abuse a squad wipeout mechanic (though it's a good idea); same goes for limited respawns per section, because say there's a heavily contested flag, the keystone to the whole map, and most of the sections are engaged there; if no one takes the flag immediately, then before too long sections would have to start respawning further and further back for want of spawns.- a "squad wipeout" mechanic - when a fireteam is down to X players because of deaths they can't respawn on the rally anymore and need to regroup away from the frontline. This only works if the players in a fireteam stick reasonably close, because a few teammates sitting in mainbase can make a never disappearing spawn-point.- limited number of respawns per fireteam. Somebody once suggested this on the FH2 forums. Basically emulate a bigger fireteam than the real number of players in it. When the tickets run out they all need to spawn somewhere safer.
I can see this, however it depends on how many spawns a rally will allow before it disappears. Assuming rallies take ten or so spawns to disappear then I imagine it's fine... you should have to use explosives to destroy them though, so they can't be shot and destroyed from long distances. One grenade would be fine.
On the other hand,if enemys can shoot at a rally point its because is not correctly hidden. Making enemys able to destroy rally points just by shooting them (although light weapons like pistol and maybe sniper rifles would do nothing) would make squad leaders want to search the best tactical and well-protected point to put one, like a house or a bunker.
Maybe making that destroying a rally point takes 2 Thompson/MP40 mags or just one grenade/explosive would make that explosives are prefered in these situations
this could be a nice suggestion for heroes and generals. how about have it uninstall once you die?