In a bit of a dilemma.
I'm looking to upgrade my PC for a better gaming experience this winter.
Pretty tight budget...
Maximum of $
I don't know much about all of this, so I was wondering if you guys could help out.
I'm not sure what to look for nor the best places to look.
Want to have a very good visual experience while playing Traction Wars as well.
Well, according to that DirectX diagnostic tool and a fast internet search, I believe your PC is this:
HP ENVY h8-1414 Desktop PC Product Specifications | Suporte HP®
The CPU, AMD FX-6120 is not too good for gaming these days, but still capable to do its job, and would be better if you overclock it(ignore this if you don't know what I'm talking about).
So, I would keep you current PC and just replace the graphics card(HD 7450) for something a bit faster and that wouldn't bottleneck because of CPU, something like, a used HD 7870, or a new R7 265 or R9 270, or used GTX 660.
I don't know what is the monitor resolution you use, but any of those cards are reasonable to perform with mid-high settings at 1080p in many modern games.
I wouldn't go higher with your current CPU, due bottleneck problem, that prevents the graphics card to operate at its full potential, being dependent on slow CPU.
So, I hope this can help you with your question.
BTW, If you install one of those graphics cards, you need to replace your power supply unit for a better one, but that's another talk.