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Update #9: Pigsticker

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
News Update #9

Hello and welcome to another update of Traction Wars. This month we have two models by [TWDEV] Sir Apple, the Lee Enfield No.4 Rifle & Walther P38 pistol. We would also like to welcome another new developer to the team. Fuchs is joining our research department and will be working hard behind the scenes ensuring Traction Wars as close to reality as is possible. Welcome aboard Fuchs!

The Lee-Enfield was a bolt-action, magazine-fed, repeating rifle that was the main firearm used by the British Commonwealth during the first half of the 20th century. It was the British Army's standard rifle from its official adoption in 1895 until 1957. The Lee-Enfield used the .303 British cartridge and was a redesign of the Lee-Metford, which had been adopted by the British Army in 1888. As a standard-issue infantry rifle, it is still found in service in the armed forces of some Commonwealth nations.

[imgt=enfield]http://twmod.org/images/media/June_09/June09_01.jpg[/imgt] [imgt=enfield]http://twmod.org/images/media/June_09/June09_02.jpg[/imgt]

The Lee-Enfield featured a ten-round box magazine which was loaded manually from the top, either one round at a time or by means of five-round chargers. By the late 1930s the need for new rifles grew, and the Rifle, No. 4 Mk I was first issued in 1939 but not officially adopted until 1941. The No. 4 action was similar to the Mk VI, but lighter, stronger, and most importantly, easier to mass produce. The No. 4 rifle was considerably heavier than the No. 1 Mk. III, largely due to its heavier barrel, and a new bayonet was designed to go with the rifle: a spike bayonet, which was essentially a steel rod with a sharp point, and was nicknamed "pigsticker" by soldiers. The Lee Enfield No. 4 was occasionally fitted with a rifle grenade attachment as well. The models and textures shown above and below have been crafted by [TWDEV] Sir Apple.

[imgt=enfield]http://twmod.org/images/media/June_09/June09_03.jpg[/imgt] [imgt=enfield]http://twmod.org/images/media/June_09/June09_04.jpg[/imgt]

The Walther P38 was developed as the Wehrmacht service pistol at the beginning of World War II. It was designed to replace the Lugar P08 which was expensive to manufacture, the finish of the P38 was made to a high standard to the end of 1941 when the pace of the war required an increased production. The standard of the external finish was thereafter reduced. The work-in-progress model below is being modelled by [TWDEV] Sir Apple.

[imgt=p38]http://twmod.org/images/media/June_09/June09_05.jpg[/imgt] [imgt=p38]http://twmod.org/images/media/June_09/June09_06.jpg[/imgt]

The team is looking for new developers to join, so if you think you have a skill we could use, please fill out a recruitment form here, we are especially looking for Modellers, Texture Artists, Animators & Mappers but we are recruiting in all areas.

That's all for this update, see you again next time. Until then be sure to check out our community forums and comment on news, post suggestions and become part of our rapidly growing community.
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New Member
Re: Update #9: Pigsticker

Hey I got to this site by Fuchs, this mod looks really prommising for what I have seen so far. I'll be glad to keep track of the procces :D


New Member
Now an on-topic question :p, are you able to use the bayonet and fire in the same firing mode? Just like the melee attack in Crysis? Or do you need to switch either weapons or firing mode?

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
The plan is to have the bayonet as an attachment - so yes you will be able to fire and melee in the same mode. :)
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