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Update #13: Storming the Breach

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
News Update #13
Storming the Breach

Hello and welcome to another update of Traction Wars. This month we have the Sten Mk.II, modeled by [TWDEV] General Naga & textured by [TWDEV] Sir Apple, as well as the M43 Stielhandgranate by [TWDEV] Sir Apple.

For this update there are several changes to the team list. Firstly, let us say a fond farewell to our Lead Mapper [TWDEV] maniche, who retired from the team and modding to focus on real-life events and pursue personal goals. His never ending cheeriness and enthusiasm will be missed. [TWDEV] maniche will be joining our Contributing Artist section, where he will be providing support and assistance for a long time to come. With an old face gone we see another face arrive. Ivan, our most recent modeler, has joined our Arts Department and we hope to give you a first look at his work in the near future.

The Sten was not the first sub machinegun created by the British Army, however it would quickly become the most common and famous. Created during the rush to outfit troops to defend against the expected German invasion of the British Isles, it was a very rudimentary design with some parts akin to plumbing. However it worked, albeit with jamming issues and proved incredibly fast to produce. The Sten soon replaced the Thompson in the British Military and was copied in various forms by the Polish Home Army, Australians and even the German army. The Sten, much like the Bren gun, continued to be used in updated versions into the late 1980s.

[imgt=sten]http://twmod.org/images/media/2009.10-1/Oct09-01.jpg[/imgt] [imgt=sten]http://twmod.org/images/media/2009.10-1/Oct09-02.jpg[/imgt]​

The M43 Stielhandgranate was the streamlined progression of the M24 type. It simplified production by using a solid wood handle and moving the pull cord for the fuse from the base of the handle to the top of the grenade. This allows the head itself to be removed and rigged as an anti-personal mine. The M43 was also commonly provided with a "Splitterring", or "splinter ring", meant to raise the amount of shrapnel that the grenade created. These came in factory produced forms, which had the classic notched metal pattern, but also field made versions which were simply metal tube pressed around the grenade head. This allowed for the grenade to be used in both a defensive and offensive manner, with the user choosing whether to have the ring applied to the grenade depending on the situation.

[imgt=m43]http://twmod.org/images/media/2009.10-1/Oct09-03.jpg[/imgt] [imgt=m43]http://twmod.org/images/media/2009.10-1/Oct09-04.jpg[/imgt]​

The team is looking for new developers to join, so if you think you have a skill we could use, please fill out a recruitment form here. We are especially looking for Mappers, Animators, Riggers & Coders although we are recruiting in all areas.

That's all for this update, see you again next time. Until then be sure to check out our community forums and comment on news, post suggestions and become part of our rapidly growing community.


Junior Member
Nade looks sweet,but......
The Sheperd,Turpin,Enfield could be better Applemeister.
And I don`t say this lightly,as I hold your work in the highest regard,but uninspiring was the first word that sprung to mind...A little bland when compared to your other beauty`s...
Have another pop at it m8..Your well capable of better....I`ll shut my trap now...L8er guy`s.

Sir Apple

Well-known member
The Enfield is going to be redone (from scratch), so don't worry. Theres' no fault in calling it lack-luster.

Sir Apple

Well-known member
I don't see how you get Sten out of what he said... but in that case, no the Sten is on a fine quality level and won't be redone. I criticize my own work hard, but realistically there is only so far to go with it.
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TW Developer
Im confused lol. I assume from all these posts that the enfield rifle texture is going to be redone.

Sir Apple

Well-known member
Let me clear it up :p.

Bulls post confused me

So I leaked that the Enfield model/texture will be redone (oops)

It turns out he doesn't like the Sten texture

I told him the sten texture is fine... though hes not fond of it

Brrr got confused

Apple helped brrr


TW Developer
Thanks for clearing that up. I personally really like the sten texture, cant see anything wrong with it.
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