• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Totally Off-Topic Thread

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[MENTION=1]General Naga[/MENTION] yes please!

Me, @FlyingR, @mmiedzianyy, @Aniallator were too retarded to play "Cards against humanity", we needed 2h to play 1 game until it crashed xD

Hahaha it was a funny game though xD

Is it an android app? How does it work?

On your computer go to the Discord site and create an account, then join a server using the URL to our server that Flying provided. That should work :)


Weird, they all seem old enough to play the game, no 11 y/o kids...

Believe me, I saw some of his other vids and there's no shortage of ten year olds! Ugh, it was a huge reminds of why I hate COD. One kid literally started crying because he kept getting meleed.


Manhunt Event in PR!

For those of you interested in this event, it will occur the 7 of August. This seems like a fun event! :D

Server: PRTA | EU - MANHUNT Event
Server Password: <TBA>
Date/Time: August 7th, 2016 @ 18:00 PRT


"You, among many other participants, have been selected by your beloved countries to participate in the world's first Manhunt! You are known as the most notorious criminals in your nations and this is your punishment.. or your way out. You will find yourself starting at one end of an island with many others of your kind. All you have to do is make it to the other side of the island and you will be granted your freedom from all criminal charges! But wait... There's a catch. An elite military group consisting of 5 of the world's mercenaries will be hunting you. They'll be heavily armed and are there to stop you from reaching the "Safe Zone". Oh I forgot to mention, you will all be unarmed. You can work together as a team with other criminals or travel alone. The choice is yours! Just remember, freedom is just at the end of that island!"

Rules and game plan

  • OPFOR will be all unarmed (Criminals or Hunted)
  • BLUFOR will all be armed with any kits but they are subject to change if too many OPFORs perish (5 players selected by admin team or events master)
  • OPFOR will spawn on one side of the island whereas BLUFOR will spawn on the opposite
  • BLUFOR's spawn is the "Safe Zone"
  • OPFOR players must reach the "Safe Zone" within 15 minutes when the Manhunt officially begins
  • OPFOR players are allowed to work together but are not required to


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