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Totally Off-Topic Thread

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Senior Member
[MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION] I know you want Squad so I made a little video about how sound travels. I hope you enjoy :p



You guys really save for the Summer Sales,huh? The only thing I could buy is the complete STALKER saga for 9 euros, so expect some distant cheeki breekis over the next few months ;)


Hahahahahaha! [MENTION=2177]Simon[/MENTION] I don't why that made me laugh hahaha! Good one, love the ending! :laugh:

But kidding aside, hope the vehicles never get released and that you get low FPS. :)

[MENTION=2473]Esu21[/MENTION] if I would ever buy a game online, I would have to have a good computer first.


@Esu21 if I would ever buy a game online, I would have to have a good computer first.

I know how it feels :confused: Now I have a really decent computer, but my Internet conexion is still bullsh*t so I still can't play online games without problems. But hey, one day I'm sure you'll get a new computer and I'll get decent ping (hopefully :p)


I know how it feels :confused: Now I have a really decent computer, but my Internet conexion is still bullsh*t so I still can't play online games without problems. But hey, one day I'm sure you'll get a new computer and I'll get decent ping (hopefully :p)

Oi, here in South America we are condemned to having a bad ping. In European servers our ping goes from 250+ and in North American servers 180-250. I think [MENTION=1152]drummer93[/MENTION]'s is worse. I personally get spikes that reach 800-900 (not to mention the constant connection problems). :(

Seriously, if TW comes out, we will definitely need a server down here in South America


At least you have internet you can game on. Right now, I have to use my crapmobile as I wait for my new computer to be fixed, and the internet I can use for online gaming doesn't get any faster than 20 kb/s.


Now I feel really lucky of being in Europe! The only problem I have is the fact that my Internet provider isn't the best at keeping a constant connection :confused:
Right lads, roast me a kipper, smoke me a haddock, bake me a salmon and stir-fry a prawn for yourselves.

I will be officially graduated in less than 24 hours.


Senior Member
God bless this small country under the Alps with 2 million people and fast internet. Lucky me.


Senior Member
Just got my new swaggy background on Steam and a new badge and emoticon which looks like s#it


Gyazo - 4d64d5116ae0e75ea5b33c5100e6f1b1.png


Senior Member
@Aniallator holy jesus balls, that was intense. When you see bullets hitting 5cm infront probs scares the **** out of you.

And worst part is that he is shouting "I'm hit" and noone can come because its too dangerous.


@Aniallator holy jesus balls, that was intense. When you see bullets hitting 5cm infront probs scares the **** out of you.

And worst part is that he is shouting "I'm hit" and noone can come because its too dangerous.

Extremely intense! I can't imagine what he felt... and where the hell was his squad?!


Shout out to [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION] or anyone, I've had to redownload all my games, and I forgot where I downloaded PR:WW2? Where's the link for that?
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