@Francesco Boato I love this kind of music
Well, it's your taste
Real life is always better ^_^
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@Francesco Boato I love this kind of music
Well, it's your tastei don't like orchestral things... in real life i sure would!!
Real life is always better ^_^
Indeed, I watched The Nutcracker from Tchaikovsky with school last year around christmas time (damn nostalgia) and I sat 5m from orchester and it sounded fantastic. Better than recorded
Of course it's better than recorded
You are damn lucky to do these things with school! Remember that![]()
You don't do that in Italy ? 8|
This year we should have traveled to London, but because of the french terrorism attacks we did not go!and for sure, we don't go hear an orchestra
My school is going to Rome this year (on 17th June)
I'm not going because I am that special snowflake. But if something happens I think it will get cancelled
View attachment 1432
How is that something to be sad about?
Dont you know that venice is one of the coolest places on Earth?:smug:
View attachment 1432
How is that something to be sad about?
Dont you know that venice is one of the coolest places on Earth?:smug:
You mean the most stinky place on Earth?
HAHAH do you hate Venice? The smell and the bad water is a part of the beauty...have you ever seen any photos of american venice? the water is transparent!! it's not like that here in venice :3
What's American Venice?
Finals are here and I have a lot of things in school, but atleast TW forums always wait me.