@VonMudra if you have an answer to this, I'd be gratefulWas the Simonov SKS ever field tested against the Germans in WW2?
Forget what I said. Read this.
History - Russian SKS Guide
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@VonMudra if you have an answer to this, I'd be gratefulWas the Simonov SKS ever field tested against the Germans in WW2?
Thank you
About the RS2: Vietnam showcase, look at 1:38; RS2's using a new recoil system, so see how the M16's recoil actually comes from the muzzle, not like along the barrel like other FPS'.
It looks like a really really great game!
To tell the truth, I have not played a Vietnam game since BF:V... This might make me buy it. See how it plays. I do hope it is not pure infantry, i dontt like those type of games that much especially if the setting calls for helicopters and vehicles.
It does! I'm really glad to hear that it'll have a proper squad system, and that there won't be any unlocks (RO2 has a few). I'm keen to see how helicopters will be implemented, and whether or not there'll be ground vehicles.
We will see when i can play itso, you won't like TW: Chapter 1![]()
To tell the truth, I have not played a Vietnam game since BF:V... This might make me buy it. See how it plays. I do hope it is not pure infantry, i dontt like those type of games that much especially if the setting calls for helicopters and vehicles.
Well, the AH-1 and UH-1 will be usable. I assume the OH-6 will be usable as well, though it's an observation helicopter, so it may be implemented like recon planes were in RO2. The F-4 won't be usable, of course... it's used for napalm strikesI'm not sure about ground vehicles, but to be honest I wouldn't mind not having any, because except for helicopters, Vietnam wasn't really a vehicular war for the same reason the PTO wasn't. The jungle.
@FlyingR have you ever noticed in PR:V how the radio tower at the US main plays a Good Morning Vietnam type thing? I've stood there for like ten minutes listening to it, it's hilarious!
I hope all vehicles will be used. It would be great!
Nah, I didn't notice. In which map? That is awesome though! It's an added value that makes PR even better!
You see, we need to have a few random record players on TW maps that play Édith Piaf!
I assume the OH-6 will be usable as well, though it's an observation helicopter, so it may be implemented like recon planes were in RO2.
OH-6's did usually have a machine gunner with an M60, so perhaps that'll be an option!
Side note, if you're interested in helicopters in the Vietnam war I can absolutely recommend 'Low Level Hell' by Hugh Mills and 'Chickenhawk' by Robert Mason. The former being about flying OH-6's, the latter about flying UH-1 Hueys (slicks).
Anyone from Europe watched Eurovision ?
If so what are your thoughts on it, for me it had one of the worst songs ever on Eurovision.
You mean last Eurovision or this year's Eurovision?
About the one this year all I have to say is that Spain will be represented with a song sung in English. I can't express with words how bullshit that is