Welcome to the Vanguard Community
These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.
The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.
Yeah! The forums also got hit, but they are back up. As for the server, maybe next week? Also the FH2 server is down.
There will never be another song quite like this one, one of the most beautiful songs of all time IMO.
5 members online, and... 56 guests! Jeebus, join the forum already xD
How does one make signature bigger ? It says "Remote File too large"
the file size is very limited, sadly. Try to modify your image. I recommend you use JPEG format
When it's friday but not friday when TW update comes out
hahaha will be the next one :laugh: