People who have good knowledge (great knowledge in Von Mudra's case) will always nit pick at the historical accuracy, uniforms are usually the first thing people overlook
also I think it's already been discussed about bots and if I recall correctly they haven't decided whether or not there will be bots, so no third person as well as suppression isn't really something you could emulate in third person or it'd be very hard
1st person is much more immersive anyway

give me that 120 field of view
as for inventory mode I would speculate that it will be a no to inventory all together, you'll just have your primary weapon, a sidearm if there's one present on the soldier, a bayonet (whether or not you can lug and unlug I don't know) and your grenades or mortars shells even
EDIT: I would personally like to know if Riflemen will be carrying Machine Gun ammunition to give to the MG players