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Some light relief... |56k Warning|

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Not many people are informed of Nazi projects becuase of several reasons.
One of them is the fact Nazis burned many important documents towards the end of WW2, another ir that after taking Nazi scientists, US of A lounched a large-scale coverup operation of handling the Zombie crisis and aliminating all those aware of it.

Later on they continued the work in the US wich caused another incident described in the documentary "Dawn of the living dead".

Being a citizen of EU I naturally have access to higer level of education and have thus been informed about these history facts, however it is well known that United States are denying the existance of such facts and continue to teach their "Superior" version of WW2 where Hitler was the bad guy and all the Zombies Nazies were dealing with were actually described as "Jews" for to me unknown reason.
US Doctorine also avoids teaching students about Hitlers ambitious plans and lifestyle, like the fact he promoted healthy living by being a vegetarian, had plans of making a fast autobahn system across entire europe making travel 5x faster than it is today aswell as having big plans for new capital of the europe that would house all neccesary services in one place, allowing him to eliminate corruption and rising the standards in all european countries to high levels, aswell as employing allot of people that were normally dying out of starvation.

Hitler was fighting for a Europe of Nations, not of bankers.


New Member
Hitler was clearly fighting to achieve evolutionary success, the so called Aryan people are not Übermenschen not whilst living anyway

A famous qoute I will translate "Not by the living of Europe and fellow nations can victory here be achieved against the massive odds we face, but by decayed flesh and the living deceased for you can not kill what is already dead"

This excerpt comes from a very rare book Hitler was working on entitled: "Tot zu fuß"

New belt buckles were even pressed in preparation for the next phase inscribed "Tot mit uns!"

Luckily it was contained during the so called "cold war" obviously named so because a dead man has no warmth
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New Member
Re: Some light relief...

So player perspective are we talking torso camera or actual head camera so it looks like you're actually hipfiring :D

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