• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

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Some light relief... |56k Warning|

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Light relief ready for Half-Time:

For dog lovers:


and for the cat lovers:

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
I marvel at some peoples ability to park in places that I wouldn't consider possible...

On the topic of cars:


Vanguard Backer
Surprises me from a Dutch pilot, those speeding ticket officers are hated so much here it wouldn't surprise me if he had actually launched the missile.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Surprises me from a Dutch pilot, those speeding ticket officers are hated so much here it wouldn't surprise me if he had actually launched the missile.

He probably decided that any speeding ticket officer in the UK is a good thing compared to one being in the Netherlands ;)


Vanguard Backer
Theres also one where you have to canoe across the Pacific. Was it to get from Canada to Australia?


TW Developer

This is spreading like wild fire on teh interwebz, this homeless man has the best radio voice in the world and wants to get a job. I'm sure radio studios will see this vid and instantly hire the man as they should.


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
2 days after the video was released he already got a job-offer;

Now that's a man who appreciate life.

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