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Some light relief... |56k Warning|

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Re: Some light relief...



Re: Some light relief...

Would probably be best if it *didn't* sound like the ... I'm not even gonna go on... Is it sad that when I saw "HEX" I was thinking of computers - so I didn't get the reference to pratchet. I was all "What's he got to do with base 16???"

Mr Zephy

Well-known member
Re: Some light relief...

Halfdark said:
Would probably be best if it *didn't* sound like the ... I'm not even gonna go on... Is it sad that when I saw "HEX" I was thinking of computers - so I didn't get the reference to pratchet. I was all "What's he got to do with base 16???"

That's the joke. Hex = spell but also = base 16

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Re: Some light relief...

@Zephy:Nice squirrel but I still think my ninja guinea pig is better!

@ EarthScorpion: Harry Potter doesn't need a a shiny suit to make him awesome!

Mr Zephy

Well-known member
Re: Some light relief...

Admin Note: Image filtered by automatic censor - you'll have to rename it to show it I'm afraid. - Naga

Mr Zephy

Well-known member
Re: Some light relief...

Yes, but he still wouldn't be allowed to kiss the beautiful women if he'd drunk any liquor.
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