Vanguard Backer
After playing the game for almost 2 hours yesterday, here´s a little feedback from my experience.
- Connecting to a server takes abit too long. If possible, that should be fixed.
- Graphics, still alot of glitches and player animations should be reworked. Playing with NVidia gtx 1060 on lowest graphics setting, the game runs kind of smooth. (but could be better)
- More classes should be added. Medic, Covert Ops, Engineer and maybe Field Ops.
- Respawning should be fixed. Took really long time to respawn. (I want to play, not spectate a game
- As spectator, you should have the possability to move more freely in the map. not just along the side of your teammates.
- Some errors was shown in the console, but I guess thats inevitable at this point of Early Access.
- The font size in the chat area is too small. My old eyes can hardly see the text.
- The tips and tricks on the loading screen was nice!
All in all, I was positivly suprised of this game and can say it has potential! Gonna play some more tonight.
Good job devs!

After playing the game for almost 2 hours yesterday, here´s a little feedback from my experience.
- Connecting to a server takes abit too long. If possible, that should be fixed.
- Graphics, still alot of glitches and player animations should be reworked. Playing with NVidia gtx 1060 on lowest graphics setting, the game runs kind of smooth. (but could be better)
- More classes should be added. Medic, Covert Ops, Engineer and maybe Field Ops.
- Respawning should be fixed. Took really long time to respawn. (I want to play, not spectate a game
- As spectator, you should have the possability to move more freely in the map. not just along the side of your teammates.
- Some errors was shown in the console, but I guess thats inevitable at this point of Early Access.
- The font size in the chat area is too small. My old eyes can hardly see the text.
- The tips and tricks on the loading screen was nice!
All in all, I was positivly suprised of this game and can say it has potential! Gonna play some more tonight.
Good job devs!