• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

So.. where are we?


Hey there ya'll. How have you all been?

I haven't done my best to keep in touch with the game, but coming back once more to this lovely community I've started to wonder something. Now I'll have to admit that this isn't perhaps very nice, maybe even a bit rude. The developers do not owe use anything in anyway of course, this being a free-to-play project after all.

This would be a question directed at the developers I suppose; where are we, oh developers of Traction Wars? Quite some time ago a development blog announced that the game was on schedule and that we could expect to see some sort of a beta within a few years. But if I am not mistaken then this time period has long passed. I'm concerned. The community has been slowing down.

Therefore my question to you is, Traction Wars, when will you be ready? Will you ever be ready? :|


Someone taught me once, there is a difference between motivation and dedication. Do you know this difference? Motivation is temporary - I feel like it, I don't feel like it, maybe I will spend an hour or two on it. Dedication is more permanent - I may not want to get it done, but I need to, so I will.


New Member
What does defining the difference between motivation and dedication have to do with anything. Maybe the game gets done...maybe it doesn't. Maybe it's just a showcase of talents so the developers can get real paying work. I'm unsure that eventually we will have a free game with the initial promised content. Analysis of whether it's motivation or dedication aside. Where is the game? A valid question for a person following the game. I don't really follow it other than to check in once in a while to see if there is anything I can play. Nope.

Do not get me wrong. I hope the developers are doing well and hopefully put something out eventually. It's been no harm to me to check back every so often. TBA means "To Be Announced, that has been up there for quite some time now. Still checking back for an announcement. Nope. I'm hoping that "LITE" will be released soon as it's been pretty silent since last year. Maybe they have been busy putting some final pieces together but then I would expect some kind of deadline announcement unless they just enjoy stringing people along. Feels like click-bait sometimes coming here. So as time goes on I come by less and less.

Yeah, yeah, I know so why come by then. Because hopefully one day there will be some free to play version of the game I can actually play. I'm not counting on it though.


well, i would like to hear what the developers would say about it
if they will let us in on what kind of schedule (because they said there is a schedule) do they work on...
also i wonder about the financing part of this kind of (really) long developement..........did they just give up and abandoned the project and this website?


I'm getting what I paid for...nothing.

And I'm plenty happy with that...there are many fine games out there to play. And if TW happens to land on my doorstep one fine day...HEY!! BONUS!!

The tempo of development or possible abandonment of development, is at the discretion of the devs, of whom, we are not the bosses.
The game has been in ''development'' for almost 10 years...Literally. Thats all fine and dandy that we haven't paid for anything and thus the devs dont owe us anything, which is 100% true. But they gave a projected release date to people who invested their time into building this community (I, myself, are not one of these people). They then proceed to go absolutely dark for ~3 months and don't at least address or retract their projected release with an update ? Regardless of what they actually ''owe'' us, that is not how I would choose to conduct myself, as a professional. IF they dont give a ****, why should I or anyone else ?
This project is going exactly as expected. Now most people, including the devs, wanted to believe the optimistic deadlines or estimates. But there are some people who know how these projects pan out, and didn’t believe the predictions. The big concern then came with the announcement of the platform change to the new Cry Engine. And there are some people who knew how that would pan out. Then there was the new sound platform and the realistic implementation of sound affects. Fabulous sound, by the way, well worth the trouble. Take these two elements and you have a major overall migration of the game contrasted with a single element implementation. See the difference?
Nothing is going to change the way the devs plan things. Will the devs invite a project manager to take the lead and then all the devs work to the plan?* Maybe, just maybe, and the game desperately needs it. The game belongs to the devs and by July 2018 (my estimate) there will be a demo game available to play. After a limited live mp test, getting the game to work as a mp platform is going to demand so much time we should expect it to be offline for a month. We will still love the devs for their blood, sweat and tears. What happens after that we shall wait and see.
* Let’s talk about pay. Let’s talk about an unpaid trial period, possibly.
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This project is going exactly as expected. Now most people, including the devs, wanted to believe the optimistic deadlines or estimates. But there are some people who know how these projects pan out, and didn’t believe the predictions. The big concern then came with the announcement of the platform change to the new Cry Engine. And there are some people who knew how that would pan out. Then there was the new sound platform and the realistic implementation of sound affects. Fabulous sound, by the way, well worth the trouble. Take these two elements and you have a major overall migration of the game contrasted with a single element implementation. See the difference?
Nothing is going to change the way the devs plan things. Will the devs invite a project manager to take the lead and then all the devs work to the plan?* Maybe, just maybe, and the game desperately needs it. The game belongs to the devs and by July 2018 (my estimate) there will be a demo game available to play. After a limited live mp test, getting the game to work as a mp platform is going to demand so much time we should expect it to be offline for a month. We will still love the devs for their blood, sweat and tears. What happens after that we shall wait and see.
* Let’s talk about pay. Let’s talk about an unpaid trial period, possibly.

So when this project started almost 10 years ago, you expected that after nearly a decade of development, we wouldnt have some form of playable game? Not fulfilling estimated deadlines for an non-supported FTP game is one thing...It is another thing to watch the estimated release day pass by, not address it, and then go silent for 3 months. It is almost undeniable at this point that a sense of apathy has taken over on the dev side. And guess what, thats fine ! As I stated in my previous post it is true we dont owe them anything. But if they expect people in the community to have passion for their game when it is clear that they no longer do, I'm not sure what to tell them. It is also very possible they couldnt care any less about my opinion or the overwhelming majorities opinion. And thats fine too. But if thats the case, I think their new apathetic mindset with regards to TW, should have a complimentary name to go along with it: .......

Traction Wars : Jimmy Cracked Corn, and I Dont Care
To Heinrich Springer (and others) ???
.First, sorry if my comment seemed all knowing. The intention was informed comment, and sorry in advance if the reply below gives a bad impression. I was not aware that the project had been going for 10 years, and my view is based on spotting the TW web site about three years ago.
.A qualified programmer can make a good estimate of where things are likely to go, even without knowing the detail. The number of devs we see involved and the type of work they manage, the spare time nature of their efforts balanced with private life obligations, the scale of the project – can we expect things to happen in the way the devs predict?
.Is your comment about apathy unfair? Any programmer will tell you that time spent on documenting a program is as important as it is a burden. The devs seem to want to minimise program documentation and that always, always bites your bum later. The programming of a mp game is massive even if the idea seems simple. Ever had a look a game’s credits? You can see big teams for games that take about three years to write.
.Warface (Studio Kiev) is an example of how a free to play game can succeed, so maybe TW can.
.This turned out to be a long reply but Heinrich might have expressed the view of several people. ;)


I used to visit this website multiple times a week, check for something new, read some forum posts. But I have to admit that sadly I've lost intereset. I know things can take a long long time to develop, and I don't care it does. But I think it's a sad mistake to have stopped sharing news, because that was the only thing that kept people following the game. I saw great potential in this game, and I still do, but due to the lack of communication I've moved on..

I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into this game, but the way things are going at the moment doesn't look very promising to me. Instead of getting closer to a release it seems we're just moving further away. Atleast.. that's what I can tell from all that's happening..?


New Member
I too have been following this project with great interest. I am not a big gamer but have built many scale models of Pegasus Bridge and the surrounding area, and was facinated to see the accuracy and details of the maps in this game. The work that has been done on historical accuracy is amazing. I truly hope this project is completed because it looks amazing.

Come on developers let us have some more details about what is going on. PLEASE!!


Yeah, I've got hope but its fading quickly. Devs need to show the community something. It's been a while since we've heard anything. A simple screenshot will do.