Well-known member
I might be wrong but didn't the french mainly loose because of a pacifist politic under the socialist Unions Government and a lack of amored divisions which werr instead used to Support the infantry.
The French tanks were indeed spread out heavily, but they did have armoured divisions that were, though weaker in size than German Panzer Divisions, generally had equal or superior tanks to the Germans. The problem generally stemmed from the French General Staff refusing to offer reinforcement and support during key French counter attacks, and losing their nerve. There were points where the French were close to cutting off the entire German spearhead and making it ripe for destruction, but the General Staff, inevitably, would refuse to support the attacks, preferring to shepard their resources. The funny thing is, the Allies outnumbered the Germans 2-1 in tank numbers, and most German tanks were of much inferior armour and armament, being Panzer 1 and 2s.