Uhhhh, time to put historian hat on.
French tanks not only outnumbered German tanks alone (not counting British tank numbers, plus Belgian TDs), but also were almost all equal or superior to the most powerful German tank designs of the time. Their issue was deployment, not numbers or tech. The majority of the French tanks could shred right through the German tanks, and deflect the German shells quite easily. The more famous French tanks, the Somua and Char 1Bis, were basically the Panther and Tiger, respectively, of their day. Add in the British Matilda 2 (another Tiger of it's day), plus French AT guns in the form of the 25mm and 47mm AT, and 75mm field gun, and you'll see Germans in TW taking similar casualties to what they took in 1940- some German panzer divisions in 1940 ran up 300% casualty rates by the end of the campaign. By comparison, of the 2500 or so German tanks in the invasion of France, some 550 were Panzer 1, nearly 1000 were Panzer 2, another 600 or so were Panzer III and IV (with 37mm gun and low velocity infantry support 75mm respectively), and the rest were Pz35t and 38t with 37mm guns. None of the tanks had armour thicker than 30mm in the front, easily penetrated by the French 47mms. The 25mm could still reliable destroy Panzer 1 and 2's at any range, and the sides and rears of the other German tanks were equally vulnerable to the 25mm.
Basically, expect to be piddling around in a wimpy Panzer 1/2, getting the **** blown out of you by nearly every allied tank around, asking yourself "HOW THE HELL DID THE GERMANS DO IT IN 1940?!"
And the answer is, a whole shitload of luck combined with poor generalship from the Allied High Command. At times they were close to pinching off and pocketing the entire German spearhead, only to chicken out at the last second....