WOW! Amazing update! I love the PR-esque UI! Gorgeous, so gorgeous

A round of applause to @
hannibaldinski and the rest of the team! Here's my two cents on the UI.
1. I don't think you need to say "MAXIMUM REACHED", the 1/1 or 2/2 or whatever is enough. Keep the UI even sleeker!
2. IMO the deploy button looks strange. I'd remove the white border, and give the button a solid green color as opposed to a shaded green; also, I think you can just say "DEPLOY IN 14", the "SEC" isn't necessary.
3. Thank you for spelling Café instead of Cafe, and Château instead of Chateau! One thing though, it's Bénouville, not Benouvillé. A typo, I assume.
Now, unless I'm mistaken, section leaders can be section leaders without an NCO kit? Please, can this be changed so you need an NCO to be section leader? It wouldn't make sense for a marksman, or a rifleman, or anyone other than an NCO to lead a section. And once vehicles are implemented, can we have vehicle-only sections?
drummer93 and [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION], I think just implement it so you can't join/leave sections unless you're dead. I disagree about having NCOs choose kits for section members, when you join a section you ought to ask your NCO what kit he wants you to use, but he shouldn't actually choose for you.
Anyway, looking forward to November 6th