As a change from our recent series of dev blogs we thought we would share two weapons which have been overhauled since first announced; the German Panzerfaust 30 and the British Sten sub-machinegun by [TWDEV] brrr.
The Sten was not the first sub-machinegun created by the British army; however it would quickly become the most common and famous, of them. Created during the rush to outfit troops to defend against the German invasion of the British Isles, it was made from parts akin to plumbing and was an incredibly crude, rudimentary design. However, it worked, albeit with jamming issues and proved incredibly fast to produce, soon replacing the Thompson in the British military and being copied, in various forms, by the Polish Home Army, Australians and even the German army. The Sten, much like the Bren gun, continued to be used in updated versions into the late 1980s, as the Sterling submachine gun.
The Panzerfaust 30 was a mid 1943 refinement on the earlier Faustpatrone 30. Using a rounded HEAT shell to remove the issues with detonation the pointed Faustpatrone had, the Panzerfaust 30 was the definitive Panzerfaust of the Normandy Campaign. It was lightweight at just 5.1 kilograms and thus could easily be carried by tank-hunting troops. Contrary to popular belief, the Panzerfaust was not, in fact, a rocket launcher. It instead used a normal powder charge, with a secondary charge shooting out the back to counter recoil, thus turning it into a type of recoilless rifle. Aim was accomplished through a simple flip up iron sight, lined up with the top of the warhead.

The Panzerfaust 30 was nominally a single shot weapon, however used housings would be returned to the factories to be refitted with a warhead. The warhead was, though short ranged, highly effective with around 200mm of penetrative power, enough to penetrate the thickest armour of almost any tank in existence like a hot knife through butter. The HEAT charge worked by focusing the entire blast into a single, concentrated jet, which would burn through a tank's armour, then turn into a massive plume as pressure altered in the crew compartment, filling the entire tank with superheated metal and fire. Allied crews attempted to respond to this with the addition of sandbags and rubber tracks, however such methods in fact proved ineffective, lacking the crucial spacing needed to diffuse the penetrating jet. The Panzerfaust soldiered on throughout the war, eventually being upgraded in range to 60m, 100m and 150m ranges. By war's end, work had begun on a 250m range type, complete with pistol grip and trigger, which would become the basis for the RPG-2.
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The Sten was not the first sub-machinegun created by the British army; however it would quickly become the most common and famous, of them. Created during the rush to outfit troops to defend against the German invasion of the British Isles, it was made from parts akin to plumbing and was an incredibly crude, rudimentary design. However, it worked, albeit with jamming issues and proved incredibly fast to produce, soon replacing the Thompson in the British military and being copied, in various forms, by the Polish Home Army, Australians and even the German army. The Sten, much like the Bren gun, continued to be used in updated versions into the late 1980s, as the Sterling submachine gun.

The Panzerfaust 30 was nominally a single shot weapon, however used housings would be returned to the factories to be refitted with a warhead. The warhead was, though short ranged, highly effective with around 200mm of penetrative power, enough to penetrate the thickest armour of almost any tank in existence like a hot knife through butter. The HEAT charge worked by focusing the entire blast into a single, concentrated jet, which would burn through a tank's armour, then turn into a massive plume as pressure altered in the crew compartment, filling the entire tank with superheated metal and fire. Allied crews attempted to respond to this with the addition of sandbags and rubber tracks, however such methods in fact proved ineffective, lacking the crucial spacing needed to diffuse the penetrating jet. The Panzerfaust soldiered on throughout the war, eventually being upgraded in range to 60m, 100m and 150m ranges. By war's end, work had begun on a 250m range type, complete with pistol grip and trigger, which would become the basis for the RPG-2.
If you have liked what you have seen and would like to share your thoughts about the game or just get involved in the community you can visit our community forums as well as keeping up-to-date with current development via the social networking links below.