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News Update #16: Bayonets & Bedfords

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
News Update #16
Bayonets & Bedfords

Hello and welcome to another update of Traction Wars. This month we have the British AP Mine by [TWDEV] Brrr & [TWDEV] Sir Apple as well as the Kar98K Bayonet by [TWDEV] Sir Apple and the Bedford QLD by [TWCON] Decency.

Firstly for this update we would like to welcome Decency to the team as a Contributing Artist. Decency produced the beautiful Bedford QLD at the end of this update as part of his application.

War is not always fair, and unfortunately often the side which wins is also the side that plays the dirtiest. Land mines have been in and out of favour in the history of the rules of war. World War II saw widespread use of these nasty little surprises by both sides. Below is the British Mk.II anti-personal shrapnel mine. One wrong step, and the weight of the enemy (or friendly) soldier would activate the pressure plate, igniting the fuse and causing it to detonate. The explosion was too weak to cause widespread casualties, however it was very capable of blowing off the feet of those who trod on it, and badly affecting the morale of nearby troops.

The S84/98 bayonet was designed after the trench combat of World War I to be a short, easy to manage hand to hand combat weapon. Prior to the Great War, bayonets had been designed with very long blade to defend against cavalry. With the end of major cavalry action after the trench warfare of World War I, it was realized that bayonets had to be far shorter to accommodate new tactics. To prevent rust, the metal was encased in a black coating to protect the metal underneath, giving the K98k bayonets a characteristic dark appearance. Like all bayonets, the S8498 was rugged, useful and deadly in those rare hand to hand situations.

Not all troops had to walk. The lucky ones were able to cadge rides on trucks, cars, and even the occasional tank. The Bedford QLD was a purpose built troop truck, used very commonly by Commonwealth Forces. It was reliable, rugged and could transport men, ammo and supplies to the front lines quickly and efficiently, although it offered little protection. This truck below served with the British 3rd Infantry "Iron Division", which fought throughout the entirety of the Normandy campaign.

The team is looking for new developers to join, so if you think you have a skill we could use, please visit our recruitment page. We are especially looking for Mappers, Animators, Riggers, Programmers & Coders although we are recruiting in most areas.

Until next time be sure to check out our community forums, comment on news (registration not required!), post suggestions and become part of our rapidly growing community.


Wow. Those are some magnificent looking bits of kit!
The detail on those Bedfords is brilliant(The longer you look, the more you see!)
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Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Cheers mate.
It's always nice to hear positive feedback on the work our Developers have done, so thank you!



Well-known member
Thanks Commisar. That's really a great compliment there. Glad to know that people are enjoying, and it will be even more fun in game!


Hey Decency, long time no see!

I just wondered how much of that was geometry and how much was the result of bump maps, because there looks like a lot of geometry there... I know CE2 can handle it, I'm just curious.


The little bracket holding the front mudguard on was a post war mod
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