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Map Ideas Thread

Hi everybody, again.

I know you guys did not plan on making a Jour-J battle (D-Day) but...
As far as i know, Juno beach was pretty much a short beach.

Thought you guys did not like death fields. Here is a Simple alternative where us, Canucks, fought!
Advices? Infos ? C'mon in!

-Fat Squirrel full of chicken


Well-known member
Juno was indeed a killing field, it was nearly as bad as Omaha. And whilst beach scenarios aren't going to be in first release, they could eventually be in the game.
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Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Given that Lebisey was historically located just short of Caen, perhaps, but who knows?

/Keeps his mouth shut

Well, i like the idea of a big town, i love playing CoH against my Best Friend in a big huge giant town filled with buildings.

I get a Black fun blocking paths,killing all his dudes in a constant maze.
Here's the map. Loaren 1.0 Download, Company of Heroes Company Of Heroes
Check it out, i don't know if there are such maps in OVERLORD though...

Edit: Is the Carpiquet Airfield battle something to consider ?
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New Member
For WaW(FH2) we had a Carpiquet Airodrome map. It is indeed a nice scenario to work with. I remember that our Carpiquet was a really pain in the ass for the axis. (But that all depends on which armor they bought...)

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Very nice suggestion :) Some of the story is here for those who don't know it already.

The issue I can see is the port was heavily fortified and it was only really surprise that gave the British the eventual Victory. How it could be made to work with the German team knowing the routes of attack would need some careful thought.


An easy way around the German team knowing where the attack comes from on each map is to make the map so large that the attack can come from anywhere.

If you look at Arma, the map there is an entire island, and then there are little skirmishes here and there that are built in.

Although modelling the whole of normandy might be a slow and potentially wasteful use of time, the maps themselves should be small enough that it funnels troops into having scraps with each other, but not so small that you get the same old boring kill zones.

It means tanks have a better purpose too.

Keep the objective, and the relatively realistic map, but give players the option of planning their attack.

I'd love to see a quick briefing menu before the match starts, where people can draw up battle plans for their team to see.
Sort of like a military version of this picture: http://www.talkfootball.co.uk/images/719b21/12_counter-attacking.png?1187105245

That would also make it hilarious when your plan fails spectacularly and you have to use initiative.


you look at Arma, the map there is an entire island, and then there are little skirmishes here and there that are built in.

Don't think mapping an entire large island like ARMA is the way to go. Unless the TW devs are planing on doing 64+ player servers the gameplay would get boring fast, and yes I do know it's a realism game, but you have to consider the "fun" aspect. If you look at Project Reality Falklands mini mod, the map is mapped out at 16km I believe, it's very large, very accurate in terms of terrain and town placement, but gets real stale in terms of gameplay due to how large the map is.

It means tanks have a better purpose too.

Keep the objective, and the relatively realistic map, but give players the option of planning their attack.

It's all about how the map is designed really. If it's designed in a way that allows multiple ways of capturing an objective then players will use it to their advantage, hopefully. The map can be very realistic but you have to consider gameplay.

Just felt like discussing :p.


Vanguard Friend
I'd like to see Sword Beach, but maybe later in the day. Sword was significant as the main objective was the town of Caen, which was a key town. The later in the day, as the initial landing was fairly easy but the only real German counterattacks occurred near Sword.


Vanguard Friend
Just realised that the Carpiquet Airfield was also one of the objectives leading from Sword. Can't edit my post, so I thought I'd just stick another one down here.


My main suggestion at the moment would be>

Port en Bessin: Excellent Forgotten Hope 2 map, if you could make it similar to it then correct the compass (theoretically, the Brits should be moving away from the beach rather than towards it.


One thing I hated about all of FH2's, RO's, RS's, DH's and about every other WWII FPS ever made is that every map feels linear. I think a general goal would be to make city maps very open with most buildings enterable without restrictions as to where you can go our assault from. PR does this very well with city maps with tons of routes of attack and many buildings to hide in. It makes it much more possible for the assaulting team to win when the defending team can't camp the single route of attack, but at the same time with the enterable buildings, it gives a much more realistic experience due to having to check every building and makes for brutal and fun house to house combat that WWII consisted so much of.


Few things i would like to point out is this>
1: Could you make maps like "target ranges" you could (like the same chad509 did in those animations). Also add all the "pickup kits"
which you could choose from on racks.

2: Non MP maps, like play by yourself (just moving around the map or in the future make bots).


Pathfinder Games
The target range map is ours, whether or not it will be used in game as a training area is up for discussion. Bots don't really fit with what we want to create; humans are where all the teamwork comes into it and bots just say yes to everything.


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Agree with Callum, but an offline "training-court" might be something we can concider - a place for newcomers to get a hang of the essential mechanics behind the game.
