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manual bolting

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Okay, you've turned my hand xD You guys have made some good points, and I'm inclined to agree. Now, what would this look like animation-wise, if you use your bayonet halfway through bolting or reloading? Perhaps if you bayonet while reloading, you loose the clip?


This debate is very interesting, and makes me happy because I created this thread :). You have a lot of good ideas, but remember that not have to be difficult to implement! At some point, the disowned Heroes and Generals have a good implementation about interrup the reloading animation, but I think that it could be very difficult to do in Cryengine. I don't know :/


I'm really just concerned about the animation we'll see when bayoneting mid-bolt or mid-reload. If we can have this and have the animation look good, I'm happy :)
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