• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Forgotten Hope 2 new version coming!

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Is this even worth getting?

Last I played the mod was basically dead, I really can't imagine this patch is going to do a whole lot to bring back the once strong numbers?

The numbers are not bad, at least 50-85 players at noon (unfortunately I can't make it that time), and at night it usually dwindles to 10-20. :)

Sir Apple

Well-known member
That sounds pretty bad to me, especially because I'm at work all day so by the time I come home its basically dead :\

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Can the game be pirated with regular online functionallity?

*Cough* Please read the forum rules - specifically Rule #10

You can buy BF2 for less than 10 GBP quite easily. Even cheaper during sales (e.g. Steam Easter Sale in a few days time).


Vanguard Friend
Can the game be pirated with regular online functionallity?



Vanguard Friend
also waw is updating their custom map pack to work with 2.46. lots of new vehicles and maps....

just need more N.A. folks to start showing up ! start with thursday nights, and friday nights..

there is usually under 10 players on the 762 server by the time i get home from work (tonight no one is playing fh2 when i got home) and that is sad.... daytime is still pumpin' though right beaky!


Vanguard Backer
"torrent is your friend! the 4+ gig d.l. went lickity split for me!"
I was asking about that.

To refolmulate.

I am not sure if the game can be pirated with MP functionality.



In my experiences, you can probably find BF2 cheaper than fruit at some places. :)

It's better to have a CD Key than wisp of air. ;)

torrent is your friend! the 4+ gig d.l. went lickity split for me!

I think he meant FH2's torrent.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
The new launcher is actually a simple single-use bitTorrent client. So unless you're downloading the parts separately you're torrenting ;)


New Member
"torrent is your friend! the 4+ gig d.l. went lickity split for me!"
I was asking about that.

To refolmulate.

I am not sure if the game can be pirated with MP functionality.


He was talking about the mod that's being shared p2p via torrent programs, not the actual game.
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